Central Administrator definition
Examples of Central Administrator in a sentence
The Company (or the Central Administrator acting on behalf of the Company) reserves the right to request such information as is necessary to verify the identity of an Investor and its status in regard to the qualification as a Well-Informed Investor.
If Redemption Requests are received by the Central Administrator after the appropriate dealing cut-off time applicable to the Valuation Day, they will be considered on the next Valuation Day unless otherwise approved by the Board of Directors or their delegates or unless otherwise provided in the Sub-Fund Appendix.
The Central Administrator will perform the identification of Shareholders in accordance with the obligations set forth by the Luxembourg law of November 12, 2004, as amended by the law of December 23, 2016 relating to the tax reform 2017, the CSSF Regulation n°12-02 of December 14, 2012, the CSSF Circular 17/650 of February 17, 2017 and EU Directives issued by the European Parliament and Council relating to the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, as amended from time to time.
The appropriate District Central Administrator shall notify the President of the ITA upon notification from BOCES that sufficient substitute service is not available to the District to replace absent teacher(s) that day.
The register of the Shareholders will be kept by the Central Administrator on behalf of the Company and will be available for inspection by any Shareholders.