Cessation of work definition
Examples of Cessation of work in a sentence
Cessation of work upon the construction or demolition of any building once started and before completed thereof for a continuous period of sixty (60) days shall be prima facie evidence of an attempt to abandon the same in its partially completed or demolished state and shall be deemed to be a public nuisance.
Cessation of work or government action.Theft due to fraud and/or dishonesty of you or your employees.
Cessation of work upon the construction or demolition of any building once started and before completion thereof for a continuous period of sixty (60) days shall be prima facie evidence of an attempt to abandon the same in its partially completed or demolished state and shall be deemed to be a public nuisance.
Termination of contracts.(a) Advance notice; prime contracts.(b) Cessation of work without termi-1994—Pub.
Cessation of work for a period of 180 continuous days shall also cause this permit to be void.
Cessation of work during statutory adoption leave suspends the contract of employment for the period in question and cannot be used as grounds for terminating the contract (art.
Cessation of work for reason of lack of funds, lack of work, efficiency or economy shall not be construed as constituting a lockout.
Th e t e r m i na t io n is effec t ive o n t h e d a t e an d i n t h e m ann e r s t a t - ed i n t h e t eleg ra m .( b) Cessation of work and notification to im- mediate subcontractors .
The policy does not cover certain losses such as War, civil war and any act of Terrorism. Nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination. Wilful act or wilful negligence of the Insured or his representatives. Cessation of work whether total or partial. Consequential loss of any kind. Loss or damage due to faulty design. Loss or damage discovered only at inventory time.
This may include:o Cessation of work, process or activityo Isolation of the hazard until a permanent solution is determined.• The Student Services Officer will control all hazards to ensure staff and students are not injured, do not become ill and there is no damage to property and equipment.• Risks identified through this process must be recorded on the Risk Management Register by theStudent Services Officer.• Hazards and their controls must be recorded on the Hazard Register.