Challenge Deadline definition
Examples of Challenge Deadline in a sentence
If a Challenge is not instituted by such Partner on or prior to the Challenge Deadline, such Partner shall be thereafter foreclosed from instituting any Challenge.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, no more than $50,000 of the Prepetition Collateral, Collateral, Cash Collateral, or the Carve Out, in the aggregate, may be used by the Committee to investigate, prior to the Challenge Deadline, the claims and liens of the First Lien Secured Parties and the Second Lien Secured Parties on the Prepetition Collateral.
If any such adversary proceeding or contested matter is properly filed as of the Challenge Deadline, the Debtors’ admissions and releases contained in paragraphs D, E, F, G and H of this Interim Order shall nonetheless remain binding and preclusive (as provided in the second sentence of this paragraph) except to the extent that such admissions and releases were expressly challenged in such adversary proceeding or contested matter.
Subject to entry of the Final Order and the Challenge Deadline, the foregoing release shall be binding on the Debtor’s estate, the Committee, if any, all parties-in-interest, and any successor-in-interest to the Debtor or the Debtor’s estate, including, but not limited to any Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 trustee or examiner.
The Challenge Deadline was extended, with the consent of the Ad Hoc Senior Noteholders Group, on three occasions pursuant to stipulations that were approved by the Bankruptcy Court on November 13, 2012, December 14, 2012 and January 25, 2013 [Docket Nos.