Owner/Operator means a requirement applies to the owner and/or operator of a TRU or TRU gen set, as determined by agreement or contract between the parties if the two are separate business entities.
DRIVER / OPERATOR means an individual possessing sound mental and physical health who must be in possession of an appropriate professional Driving License and
Charterer means a person, firm, corporation, association, partnership, or other legal entity who contracts for the transportation of passengers and baggage, or goods and/or property from a specified origin to a specified destination, for a particular itinerary, agreed upon in advance.
Operator means the operator of an internet website, online service, online application, or mobile application with actual knowledge that the site, service, or application is used for K–12 school purposes. Any entity that operates an internet website, online service, online application, or mobile application that has entered into a signed, written agreement with an LEA to provide a service to that LEA shall be considered an “operator” for the purposes of this section.
aircraft operator means a person that operated at least 729 commercial air transport flights departing from Union airports in the reporting period or, where that person may not be identified, the owner of the aircraft;
Charter Agreement means an agreement made in accordance with Section 53G-5-303 that authorizes the operation of a charter school.
Non-Operator means a Party other than the Operator;
Charter contract or "contract" means a fixed-term, renewable contract
airport operator A natural or legal person authorized to manage or operate an airport. “Airport Tax” It is the amount charged to a Passenger for the use of the airport facilities that can be collected by THE CARRIER with prior authorization, either on the ticket or at each airport, and must be paid by the Passenger. “Airway Ticket or Ticket” (GENERAL DEFINITION). It is the document issued by THE CARRIER or its Authorized Agent as written proof of the transportation agreement. The term that will be used in this Agreement is ticket.
Storage operator means a person holding or applying for a permit.
Bareboat Charter means the bareboat charter agreement to be executed by the Effective Date by the Borrower as owner and the Charterer as bareboat charterer.
tour operator means, with the exception of an air carrier, an organiser within the meaning of Article 2, point 2, of Council Directive 90/314/EEC of 13 June 1990 on package travel, package holidays and package tours (2);
market operator means a person or persons who manages and/or operates the business of a regulated market. The market operator may be the regulated market itself;
the Operator means a person holding a Licence to operate Private Hire Vehicles issued pursuant to Section 55 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.
Master Tenant means any entity approved by HUD now or hereafter leasing the Healthcare Facility pursuant to a Master Lease.
Charter school means a school established pursuant to P.L.1995, c.426 (C.18A:36A-1 et seq.). "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Environmental Protection.
Charter Assignment means a specific assignment of each Extended Employment Contract required to be executed hereunder by any Borrower in favour of the Security Trustee (including any notices and/or acknowledgements and/or undertakings associated therewith) in such form as the Agent and the Majority Lenders may require in their sole discretion;
Owner or operator means any person who owns, leases, operates, controls, or supervises a stationary source.
Operators means the Access Provider and the Access Seeker collectively.
CFA Charter means the charter earned through the Chartered Financial Analyst program prepared and administered by the CFA Institute and so named on the day this Instrument comes into force, and every program that preceded that program, or succeeded that program, that does not have a significantly reduced scope and content when compared to the scope and content of the first-mentioned program;
Design-build entity means a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, or other legal entity that is able to provide appropriately licensed contracting, architectural, and engineering services as needed pursuant to a design-build contract.
Terminal operator means a person who owns, operates, or otherwise controls a terminal.
train operator means any person who is authorised to act as the operator of a train by a licence under section 8 of the Railways Act 1993.
Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) means the operating and participating agreement between the Parties constituting the Contractor that governs their operational activities, obligations and responsibilities under this Contract,
PJM Operating Agreement means the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement of PJM on file with the Commission.
Dealer-operator means the individual who works at the established place of business of a dealer