Examples of Chemical control in a sentence
Chemical control process’ can be more problematic when the nature of the setpoint value is non-linear relative to the input of chemical added.
Chemical control, if used, shall be done by an appropriately licensed pesticide applicator.
A first-aid kit approved by qualified medical personnel shall be available to staff (no policy required).50.15(5) Chemical control agents.
Chemical control methods for alien plant removal include using a number of approved environmentally safe herbicides, which are applied to the leaves, stems or stumps of alien invader species.• Foliar Spray:o Seedlings – Touchdowno Young trees – Garlon• Cut Stumps (larger trees) and then apply:o Chopper;o Confront (2%); oro Timbrel 3A*.• Frill (trees) and then apply:o Chopper; oro Timbrel 3A*.• Stem Injection:o MSMA;o Mamba; oro Touchdown.
A first-aid kit approved by qualified medical personnel shall be available to staff.51.13(5) Chemical control agents.
Chemical control involves the use of registered herbicides to kill the target weed.
Chemical control of pests is accomplished by using chemical compounds registered as pesticides.
It consists of two subscales; one assessing activity limitations in 20 items and the other assessing symptoms in 5 items.
Chemical control consists of periodic applications of aquatic herbicides and algaecides to control aquatic weeds and algae.
Biological control, in general, is man’s use of a select living organism to control a particular pest.• Chemical control uses naturally derived or synthetic chemicals called pesticides that kill, control, mitigate, attract, or otherwise interfere with the normal behavior of a pest.