Child day care definition

Child day care means care in lieu of parental care given
Child day care means daily care and/or supervision offered commercially to the public for any part of a twenty-four (24) hour day to children away from their homes.
Child day care means those services for which a participant is eligible pursuant to child day care services policy.

Examples of Child day care in a sentence

  • Child day care facilities shall take reasonable steps, where practicable, to regularly disinfect frequently used items and surfaces.

  • Chapter 2, Section 202, General Definitions, OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION, Educational Group E, a new section is added as follows: "Child day care -- residential child care certificate or a license.

  • Child day care that takes place in a home is not considered, for the purposes of this Code, a Home Office/Business.

  • Child day care providers, school readiness programs in priority school districts, and competitive school readiness municipalities may apply for a quality enhancement grant.

  • Child day care or nursery (pursuant to Chapter 5.28 Home Occupations);D.

More Definitions of Child day care

Child day care means administering to the needs of infants, toddlers, preschool children, and school children outside of school hours by persons other than their parents or guardians, custodians, or relatives by blood, marriage, or adoption for any part of the twenty-four-hour day in a place or residence other than a child's own home.
Child day care means the care of a child away from his/her own home for any part of the twenty-four (24) hour day, for compensation or otherwise. Child Day Care is a voluntary supplement to parent responsibility for the child’s protection, development, and supervision. Child Day Care may be given in a Child Day Care Home or a Child Day Care Center.
Child day care means care in lieu of parental care given for part of the twenty-four hour day to a child under sixteen years of age, away from the child's home but does not include child [day] care furnished in a place of worship during religious services.
Child day care means care in lieu of parental care given for part of the twenty-four hour day to children under sixteen years of age, away from their own homes, but does not include child [day] care furnished in places of worship during religious services.
Child day care means provision of supplemental parental care and supervision for a nonrelated child or children, on a regular basis for less than twenty-four (24) hours per day and under license by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services. The term is not intended to include babysitting services of a casual, nonrecurring nature or in the child's home. Likewise, the term is not intended to include cooperative, reciprocate child care by a group of parents in their respective homes. “Child day care” types include “home day care,” “mini day care” and “commercial day care.”
Child day care means child care where a license or registration pursuant to this section is required and shall include care for a child on a regular basis provided away from the child's residence for less than twenty-four hours per day by someone other than: (1) the parent, step-parent, guardian, or relative within the third degree of consanguinity of the parents or step-parents of such child; or (2) an enrolled legally-exempt provider as such term is defined in paragraph (g) of this subdivision.
Child day care means a service that provides child care in the absence of parents for a portion of the day, but less than 24 hours. Day care supplements parental care by providing care and protection for children who need care in or outside their homes for part of the day. Child day care provides experi- ences for each child’s social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development. Child day care may involve comprehensive child development care or it may include special services for a child with spe- cial needs. Components of this service shall include supervision, food services, program and activi- ties, and may include transportation.