SCHOOL HOURS Sample Clauses
SCHOOL HOURS. School begins at 7:50am and dismisses at 2:35pm. Students may enter the building and classrooms at 7:30am. Students are considered tardy if they enter their classroom after 7:50am. The school office staff are generally available between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm during the school year. If you wish to meet with a teacher or administrator, please call the main school number to make an appointment. You may also seek staff contact information located on the school’s web page in order to email school staff or contact your child’s teacher or other school personnel via class Apptegy.
SCHOOL HOURS. Students may arrive by car as early as 7:30 each morning. At 7:50, all students are to be at their desks and prepared to begin work. Any student arriving to school after 7:50 will be considered tardy. Parents are required to sign in their child at the main office if their child is tardy. Dismissal time is 2:35 p.m. for all students. For safety purposes no student will be allowed to check out for early dismissal after 2:00. In order to alleviate traffic congestion, and ensure the safety and well-being of your child and all others on our campus, we will continue with 2 car circles for drop off and pick up. All Xxxxxxx students must be dropped off at Xxxxxxx for safety purposes. Students are not to be dropped off in the staff parking lot or enter the building from any of the Hawfields entrances. Bus riders will be dropped off and picked up at the bus circle located at the front of Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx off Old Hillsborough Road. Car Riders will drop off and pick up at designated car circles.
SCHOOL HOURS. The school hours that must be observed by the faculty will be from 8:00 a.m. until 3:30
SCHOOL HOURS. All School Building secretaries' hours of work may vary with the hours of the school day for their respective buildings and shall be determined by the Building Principal. The summer hours shall begin the week after the school calendar is completed and terminate the Friday before school reopens.
SCHOOL HOURS. 47 48 To facilitate student supervision and safety as well as certified staff contact opportunities, school 49 hours for certified staff will be defined as a 7.5 hour work day including the combined thirty (30) 50 minutes before and after the school day as approved by the building principal. In addition, there 51 may be some circumstances where it becomes necessary to create a flexible schedule for a certified 52 staff member in order to meet the needs of students. In such situations, the certified staff members
SCHOOL HOURS. Teachers must work a total of 7 hours and 10 minutes per school day. You must be on campus at least 10 minutes prior to the student start times and 10 minutes after dismissal. Additional time must be put in before and/or after school.
SCHOOL HOURS. Section 1. All teachers may be assigned appropriate starting and dismissal times, provided that their total work day will be no longer than seven (7) hours and thirty (30) minutes, including the duty-free lunch period guaranteed to under Section 3 of this Article, preparation time, and no teacher will be required to report for duty earlier than 7:15
a. m. nor remain on duty later than 4:15 p.m. unless an emergency exists. The length of the assigned work day will be substantially equivalent for all teachers. Reasonable efforts shall be made to ensure that teachers shall not be assigned more than fifteen (15) minutes of any type of duty during or outside the contractual work day.
Section 2. In regard to delayed opening and/or early dismissal days, due to calamity situations, work day of teachers will begin fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled student starting time on said day, and will end fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled student dismissal time on said day except those days scheduled for other activities.
Section 3. All teachers will have at least thirty (30) minutes of consecutive duty-free lunch period.
Section 4. In the event of a late evening bus, a teacher may be assigned on a rotating basis with some compensatory time off being arranged with the assigned teacher.
Section 5. The High School Principal and Association President shall establish a committee and prepare a report identifying solutions for securing time necessary to meet standards for advanced courses and lab classes. Such solutions may involve class periods before or after the regular school day. Should the bargaining unit member volunteer to teach a class period before or after the regular school day, and the adjusted work day does not exceed seven (7) hours and thirty (30) minutes, the no earlier or later provisions of Section 1 of this article shall not apply.
SCHOOL HOURS. GLSC agrees to allow the District to receive students at GLSC beginning at 8:30 a.m., Monday through Friday, on all days during which the District has schools in operation. Classes shall begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 4:00 p.m. unless the District has received the prior written consent of GLSC, all school activities will end no later than GLSC's close of business at 5:00 p.m. Anticipated school term for the 2017-2018 school year: late July to early June. Anticipated school term for the 2018-2019 school year: late July to early June. Anticipated school term for the 2019-2020 school year: late July to early June.
SCHOOL HOURS a. The official hours of duty for full time teaching unit members (other than part time and hourly) shall be a continuous 7-1/2 hour period to begin not earlier than 7:45 A.M. and end not later than 4:00 P.M.
b. The official hours of duty for part-time and hourly unit members shall be a continuous period not exceeding 7-1/2 hours, or as per their individual agreements. The work day for the high school nurse, coordinator of media services, audio visual technician, audio visual attendant, information services specialist, computer support assistant, computer application specialist, senior network technician, network technician and network administrator shall be up to eight (8) hours.
SCHOOL HOURS. Professional, certified staff are expected to work the appropriate number of hours to provide quality education within the context of their teaching assignment for any given year. Unless otherwise occupied with duty, all teachers that have a first period class or a class immediately following noon break shall be at their teaching station (room in which class is held) when the first class warning tone sounds. (1991), (1997), (2000) All teachers will be in their respective buildings at 7:45 in the morning and will remain at the school until 4:00 pm with the exception of Fridays or the last day of the work week in which the teachers will remain in the school until 3:45 pm. (2016) Any staff leaving the assigned building during school hours, excepting a lunch break, must sign out in the building principal's office. (1994), (1997) Certified staff will be assigned one planning period per day with a maximum of four preparations per semester. Deviation from this will be by mutual consent between teacher and principal when warranted. (2009)