Child Protection Services definition

Child Protection Services or “Child Welfare Services” means core child protection programs, such as the Florida Abuse Hotline, protective investigations, protective supervision, post-placement supervision, foster care and other out-of-home care, or adoption services.
Child Protection Services means services that provide for the protection of Children, where the primary objective is the safety and well-being of Children, having due regard for:
Child Protection Services means the receipt and assessment of reports of maltreatment and the provision of services to families and children when maltreatment has occurred or when there is risk of maltreatment. These services include:

Examples of Child Protection Services in a sentence

  • The Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services was created as the state’s lead child welfare agency by the 2016 Mississippi Legislature, separating it from the Mississippi Department of Human Services.

  • The parties to this contract are the Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services (hereinafter “MDCPS”) and [Independent Contractor] (hereinafter “Independent Contractor”).

  • The Contractor shall also provide data and reports required by the Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services and the Division to demonstrate compliance.

  • The Hotline staff will determine if the incident/allegation rises to the level of legal sufficiency to warrant further assessment and provide their recommendation to the Institutional Child Protection Services unit (ICPS).

  • Other county-level indicators of at-risk populations, such as the current unemployment rate, teen birth rate, percentage of single parent families, percentage of children served by TANF, or percentage of children served by the Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services (MDCPS), may also be considered to ensure that an area will have a sufficient supply of high-quality child care programs available to children served by CCDF subsidies.

More Definitions of Child Protection Services

Child Protection Services means core child protection programs, such as protective investigations, protective supervision, post placement supervision, foster care and other out-of-home care or adoption services.
Child Protection Services means any service provided to a Child who is in the custody of a Director;
Child Protection Services means intervention with children, youths or parents, in accordance with this Act;
Child Protection Services means the receipt and assessment of reports of child maltreatment and the provision of services to families and children when maltreatment has occurred or when there is risk of maltreatment. These services include: (1) the assessment of risk to a child alleged to have been abused or neglected; (2) interviews of any person alleged to have abused or neglected a child and the child or children involved in the report, and interviews with persons having facts or knowledge necessary to assess the level of risk to a child and the need for protective intervention; (3) the gathering of written or evidentiary materials;
Child Protection Services means any service provided to a Child who is in the care of the Community represented by the Agency and Executive Director.
Child Protection Services means services that provide for the protection of children, where the primary objective is the safety and well-being of children, having due regard for:
Child Protection Services means any Service provided to a Child who is in the Kanawêyim of the Nîkâni-kaskihcikêw;