Class Policies definition
Examples of Class Policies in a sentence
To ensure effective quality control, the project not only allowed GIC to forge an alliance with its implementing partners but also provided close supervision, monitoring, and hand- holding support, especially at the early stage.
The benchmark for individual programs or strategies for Total Fund, Asset Allocation, and Asset Class Policies are listed in Appendix 5.
Class Members may receive relief for which they are otherwise eligible with respect to Class Policies which are Terminated Policies insuring persons still alive only if they submit a timely and valid, fully completed Reinstatement and Terminated Policy Information Request Form (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B) no later than July 31, 2006 and only if they also thereafter pay the Reinstatement Amount due as described in § III, above.
Eligible Class Members may receive relief with respect to Class Policies which are Estate Policies or Matured Policies as to which (a) the insured died or the policy matured while the policy was in force or on Reduced Paid Up or Extended Term status, and (b) a death or endowment claim was paid on or before December 31, 1975, only by submitting a timely and valid Claim Form by the Claim Form Due Date (July 31, 2006).
See the section < INVESTING IN THE SUB-FUNDS – Share Class Policies - DIVIDEND POLICY > in the Luxembourg Prospectus for more details on the dividend policy.
As of September 28, 2016, the strategic policy allocation to Global Equity is 40%.Asset Class Policies Private Growth The private growth allocation focuses primarily on return generation and is expected to be the overall portfolio’s highest return generator over the long term.
GED Class Policies & Regulations A $25.00 book deposit is required.
Class Members may receive relief for which they are otherwise eligible with respect to Class Policies which are Terminated Policies that insured persons who died after the policy was out-of-force only if they submit a complete, valid, and timely Claim Form (Exhibit A) no later than the Claim Form Due Date (July 31, 2006).
Class Policies Academic IntegrityBy enrolling in this course, each student assumes the responsibilities of an active participant in UW- Madison’s community of scholars in which everyone’s academic work and behavior are held to the highest academic integrity standards.
Responsible for communicating any changes in these agreements with Investment Staff and Consultants. Serves as a fiduciary for assets under its management, as applicableAsset Class Policies Public Growth (Global Equity) Within the larger equity allocation, the global equity allocation seeks to access the strong, long- term returns of publicly traded equity markets.