Client Owned Materials definition

Client Owned Materials is defined in Section 7.3(a) of this Agreement.
Client Owned Materials is defined in Section 73(a) of this Agreement.
Client Owned Materials means: (a) the Materials owned by Client as of the Effective Date, and all enhancements and derivative works of such Materials, including United States and foreign intellectual property rights, including copyrights, in such Materials, and (b) the intellectual property rights, including copyrights, in the Developed Materials.

Examples of Client Owned Materials in a sentence

  • Client grants to Xxxxxx Beaumont a non-exclusive, fully paid-up, non-transferable, limited license, during the Term of this Agreement, to use, execute, reproduce, display, and perform the Client Owned Materials in the performance of the Xxxxxx Beaumont Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

  • Client shall provide the Client Equipment, Client Licensed Materials and Client Owned Materials.

  • As of the Effective Date, Client hereby grants to Supplier a non-exclusive, fully paid-up, irrevocable license during the Term and any Transfer Assistance Services period to use the Client Owned Software and Client Owned Materials and to prepare derivative works of the same as part of the Services, in each case Note: A request for confidential treatment has been filed with the SEC for the portions of this document that have been marked with *CONFIDENTIAL*.

  • Provider and its Subcontractors shall not (i) use any Client Owned Materials for the benefit of any person or Entity other than Client, the other Eligible Recipients or the Authorized Users, or (ii) separate or uncouple any portions of the Client Owned Materials, in whole or in part, from any other portions thereof unless and to the extent such separation or uncoupling is necessary for Provider to provide the Services.

  • As of the Effective Date, Client shall provide the Equipment, Client Owned Materials and Client Licensed Materials necessary for Supplier to create a development environment compatible with Client’s internal development environment.

  • Following confirmation by Client that the copies of the Client Owned Materials delivered by Supplier are acceptable and the completion by Supplier of any Transfer Assistance Services for which such Materials are required, Supplier shall destroy or securely erase all other copies of such Materials then in Supplier’s possession and cease using such Materials for any purpose.

  • Except as otherwise requested or approved by Client, Provider and its Subcontractors shall cease all use of Client Owned Materials upon the end of the Term and Master Services Agreement the completion of any Disengagement Services requested by Client pursuant to Section 21.7(b)(2) and shall certify such cessation to Client in a notice signed by an officer of Provider and each applicable Subcontractor.

  • Provider shall vacate the Client Facilities and return to Client, if not previously returned, any Client-owned Equipment (including Client Provided Equipment), Client-leased Equipment, Client Owned Materials and Client-licensed Third Party Materials (including Software), in condition at least as good as the condition when made available to Provider, ordinary wear and tear excepted.

  • Anthony Callender queried whether there was a building committee.

  • Supplier shall not use any Client Owned Software or Client Owned Materials for the benefit of any person or Entity other than Client.

Related to Client Owned Materials

  • Client Materials means [all works and materials supplied by or on behalf of the Client to the Consultant for incorporation into the Deliverables or for some other use in connection with the Services];

  • Custom Materials means Materials developed by the Supplier at the Procuring Entity's expense under the Contract and identified as such in Appendix 5 of the Contract Agreement and such other Materials as the parties may agree in writing to be Custom Materials. Custom Materials includes Materials created from Standard Materials.

  • Licensed Materials means any materials that Executive utilizes for the benefit of the Company (or any Subsidiary thereof), or delivers to the Company or the Company’s Customers, which (a) do not constitute Work Product, (b) are created by Executive or of which Executive is otherwise in lawful possession and (c) Executive may lawfully utilize for the benefit of, or distribute to, the Company or the Company’s Customers.

  • Developed Materials means Materials created, made, or developed by Contractor or Subcontractors, either solely or jointly with the Judicial Branch Entities or JBE Contractors, in the course of providing the Work under this Agreement, and all Intellectual Property Rights therein and thereto, including, without limitation, (i) all work-in-process, data or information, (ii) all modifications, enhancements and derivative works made to Contractor Materials, and (iii) all Deliverables; provided, however, that Developed Materials do not include Contractor Materials.

  • Contractor Materials means Materials owned or developed prior to the provision of the Work, or developed by Contractor independently from the provision of the Work and without use of the Court Materials or Confidential Information.

  • Third Party Materials means materials and information, in any form or medium, including any software, documents, data, content, specifications, products, related services, equipment, or components of or relating to the Solutions that are not proprietary to CentralSquare.

  • Third Party Software means software which is proprietary to any third party which is or will be used by the Contractor for the purposes of providing the Services including the software and which is specified as such in Schedule 6 (Third Party Software) to this Contract.

  • IP Materials has the meaning given to it in clause E8.1 (Intellectual Property Rights).

  • Supplier Materials has the meaning set out in clause 8.1(g);

  • Client Software means software that allows a Device to access or utilize the services or functionality provided by the Server Software.

  • Contractor Software means software which is proprietary to the Contractor, including software which is or will be used by the Contractor for the purposes of providing the Services and which is specified as such in Schedule 6 (Third Party Software) to this Contract.

  • Licensed Material means the artistic or literary work, database, or other material to which the Licensor applied this Public License.

  • Program Materials means the documents and information provided by the Program Administrator specifying the qualifying EEMs, technology requirements, costs and other Program requirements, which include, without limitation, program guidelines and requirements, application forms and approval letters.

  • Customer Materials any materials, data, information, software, equipment or other resources owned by or licensed to You and made available to Us pursuant to facilitating Your use of the Services, including Customer Data.

  • Standard Materials means all Materials not specified as Custom Materials.

  • Licensed Software includes error corrections, upgrades, enhancements or new releases, and any deliverables due under a maintenance or service contract (e.g., patches, fixes, PTFs, programs, code or data conversion, or custom programming).

  • Supplier Software means software which is proprietary to the Supplier and software which is or will be used by the Supplier for the purposes of providing the Services;

  • Proprietary Materials means any tangible chemical, biological or physical research materials that are furnished by or on behalf of one Party to the other Party in connection with this Agreement, regardless of whether such materials are specifically designated as proprietary by the transferring Party.

  • Proprietary Software means computer software developed for and owned by the Failed Bank for its own purpose and use.

  • Developed Software means software specifically designed for the Principal under the Contract. Depending how advanced its development is, it may be either a Product or a Service or both.

  • Company Proprietary Software means all Software owned by the Company.

  • Customer Data means any content, materials, data and information that Authorized Users enter into the production system of a Cloud Service or that Customer derives from its use of and stores in the Cloud Service (e.g. Customer-specific reports). Customer Data and its derivatives will not include SAP’s Confidential Information.

  • Customer Technology means Customer's proprietary technology, including Customer's Internet operations design, content, software tools, hardware designs, algorithms, software (in source and object forms), user interface designs, architecture, class libraries, objects and documentation (both printed and electronic), know-how, trade secrets and any related intellectual property rights throughout the world (whether owned by Customer or licensed to Customer from a third party) and also including any derivatives, improvements, enhancements or extensions of Customer Technology conceived, reduced to practice, or developed during the term of this Agreement by Customer.