Examples of Clinical Criteria in a sentence
Clinical Criteria — Criteria used to determine the most clinically appropriate and necessary level of care and intensity of services to ensure the provision of Medically Necessary Services.
Clinical Criteria After determination of legal eligibility, clinical eligibility is considered.
Clinical Criteria – criteria used to determine the most clinically appropriate and necessary level of care and intensity of services to ensure the provision of Medically Necessary services.
The Contractor shall: Review and update annually, at a minimum, the Behavioral Health Clinical Criteria and other clinical protocols that the One Care Plan may develop and utilize in its review and submit any modifications to EOHHS annually for review and approval.
More study is needed laying out the details of sucharrangements, the reimbursement and governance implications, and the relative advantages and disadvantages from the perspectives of the CHC, the RHC, the physician, and, especially, the patient.Finally, if health reform is successful in extending health insurance to all Americans, our definition of “safety net provider” may change, though we anticipate a continuing need for free or discounted care.