Examples of Club Board in a sentence
The Club President, or Club designee as approved by the Club Board of Directors, shall cast the Club’s votes.
The advisory committee is to act in an advisory capacity for the amenity to which assigned by assisting the manager of the amenity and to the Community Club Board with implementation of programs, services and any other projects as requested by the manager or the Club.
They serve in a variety of capacities, which include, but are not limited to: School Advisory Council and committees, Parents Club Board and committees, Annual Auction Committee, classroom assistance to teachers, cafeteria/ hot lunch program, room parents, field trip assistants, and other activities relating to the talents and gifts of the volunteer population.
Clubs shall vote for the Vice President-Elect nominee by Region, with each Club President, or Club designee as approved by the Club Board of Directors casting the Club’s votes for a Vice President-Elect nominee by Region in which the delegate’s Club is located.
The Community Club Board shall appoint at least three (3) and no more than seven (7) members to an advisory committee in such a manner to allow for staggered terms of 2 years each and shall serve no more than two (2) terms.
The constitution for each Club must provide for the establishment of a judicial committee to assist the Club Board to hear and determine Disputes and Misconduct at Club Level.
Such judicial committee must comprise not less than three persons appointed by the Club Board.
The act of the majority of the members at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Club Board of Directors.
Membership, which has been suspended or terminated by a Club, may be reinstated at the discretion of the Club Board.
The constitutions of each Club must specify that the Club Board (or other committee) shall act in accordance with the principles of natural justice.