Examples of Club House in a sentence
Club House on membership basis and on compliance of byelaws formed for the Club.
It is expressly clarified, agreed and understood between the parties hereto that the Promoter shall be entitled to retain 30% from the deposit collected hereinabove as a security for the payment of the proportionate share of all the outgoings in respect of maintenance and upkeep of all the common areas and facilities including the Internal Roads and Club House till the completion of the development of the Project.
Subject to payment of membership fee the Allottee/s have right to be a member of the Club House as long as the Allottee/s remain(s) as an owner/occupant of the Schedule ‘B’ Property and shall be entitled to use the same subject to strict observation of the rules and byelaws framed by the Promoter and/or their nominee or assignee/s from time to time and on payment of admission fee, subscription fee and usage charges for the facilities therein.
The amounts to be paid by the Allottee/s or any third party for use of Club House or other amenities, shall be at the discretion of the Club House operator.
Annual subscription charges that may be determined by the Promoter till handover, and after handover to the Apex Association, by the Apex Association for the regular maintenance and upkeep of the Club House and the facilities.