Examples of Recreational Areas and Facilities in a sentence
Not to allow children to play in the Common Areas and Facilities (except such parts of the Recreational Areas and Facilities designed for children) and any damage to or discolouration to decorations in such areas and facilities by children shall be paid for by the Owner or occupier of the Unit in which the child or children concerned reside.
A copy of such Rules from time to time in force shall be posted on the public notice boards (if any) in the Estate, the Recreational Areas and Facilities or the relevant part of the Estate Common Areas (as the case may be) and a copy thereof shall be supplied to each Owner on request free of charge.
Note: Many locations include additional fines for speeding in work zones, and the design of any variable speed limit system must consider this aspect before determining if variable speed systems are appropriate for work zones.DSDS Guideline #3: Intelligent Work Zones Purpose: To promote speed adherence in locations where posted speeds have temporarily been reduced for construction, maintenance or other traffic control.
No Owner shall allow children to play in the Common Areas and Facilities (except such parts of the Recreational Areas and Facilities designed for children) and any damage to or discolouration to decorations in such areas and facilities by children shall be paid for by the Owner or occupier of the Unit in which the child or children concerned reside.
A copy of such Rules from time to time in force shall be posted on the public notice boards (if any) in the Estate, the Villa Accommodation, the Tower Accommodation, the Villa Carport, the Tower Carport, the Recreational Areas and Facilities or the relevant part of the General Common Areas (as the case may be) and a copy thereof shall be supplied to each Owner on request free of charge.