Public Services and Utilities. Issues The proposed Project will result in increases in demand for water, wastewater treatment, storm water drainage, and solid waste. Proposed commercial uses and residential uses at the Project site would require removal of existing utilities and installation of new utilities, including water lines, sewer lines, storm water pipes and gutters, communication and power connections beneath the parking lot with laterals connecting to individual buildings. ESA understands that some existing easements would be abandoned, including Marin Municipal Water District’s (MMWD) construction and maintenance easement for a pipeline, and a Pacific Telephone and PG&E easement. We also understand that the Project site currently has a water entitlement of 7.14 acre feet per year and based on a letter from Marin Municipal Water District, the purchase of additional water 1 Utilizing data available in the Marin Countywide Plan. 1-34 Marinwood Plaza Project EIR
Public Services and Utilities. Electricity: The Agreement and proposed Amendment will not significantly impact total electrical demand beyond that originally identified in the City’s CEQA documents. The Agreement and proposed Amendment will develop approximately 100 zero net energy homes, which has the potential to reduce the total estimated electrical demand. As such, the activities funded by the Agreement and proposed Amendment will potentially reduce the projects impact upon electrical demand. Natural Gas: The Agreement and proposed Amendment will not significantly impact total natural gas demand beyond that originally identified in the City’s CEQA documents. The Agreement and proposed Amendment will develop approximately 100 zero net energy homes, which has the potential to reduce the total estimated natural gas. As such, the activities funded by the Agreement and proposed Amendment will potentially reduce the projects impact upon natural gas demand.
Public Services and Utilities. The Seller is serviced by public services and utilities in amounts adequate for the existing operation of the Business. None of the suppliers of such public services and utilities has given notice to the Seller that it intends to curtail or may curtail any of the public services or utilities used by the Seller in the existing operation of its business and to the Knowledge of the Seller of any plans by such public services or utilities for any such curtailment.
Public Services and Utilities. The Public Services portion of the Public Services and Utilities chapter will summarize setting information and identify potential new demand for services, including fire, police, schools, parks, and recreation. Xxxxx will rely upon the information from the Rancho Xxxxxxx General Plan, General Plan EIR, Sunrise Xxxxxxx Community Plan , and information obtained from direct consultation with the appropriate City and other agencies (Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District, School Districts, Rancho Xxxxxxx Police Department, etc.), as needed, to evaluate the projects potential impacts to the City of Rancho Xxxxxxx’x Public Services and whether the increased demand for service associated with the proposed project would result in significant CEQA impacts. The Utilities portion of the Public Services and Utilities chapter will address potential new demand for water supply, wastewater treatment, and solid waste disposal. Xxxxx will coordinate with the City engineer to internally review the applicant-provided WSA to ensure all CEQA related issues regarding the water supply are adequately and accurately addressed. Xxxxx will incorporate the WSA analysis into the Public Services and Utilities chapter. In addition, Xxxxx will review the Sunrise Xxxxxxx Community Plan/Sunridge Specific Plan Long Term Water Supply Plan EIR and incorporate information as applicable. With respect to wastewater and solid waste, Xxxxx will review the City of Rancho Xxxxxxx Urban Water Management Plan and coordinate with Republic Services.
Public Services and Utilities. PSU-1 The applicant shall coordinate with the City of Huntington Beach's recycling Construction and operation plans Review construction Prior to construction City recycling representative Mitigation Measure Implementation Documentation Monitoring Activity Timing Responsible Monitor Compliance Verification Signature Date representative to ensure that the proposed project is in compliance with the City's waste reduction and recycling program. and operation plans to ensure compliance with waste reduction and recycling program and applicant PSU-2 Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall prepare a waste reduction plan for the generation of construction and operational waste from the proposed project. This plan will be submitted to the recycling coordinator from the City of Huntington Beach, who will ensure that Assembly Bill 939 requirements are properly addressed. Waste reduction plan Review and approve waste reduction plan to ensure Assembly Bill 939 requirements are properly addressed Prior to the issuance of a grading permit City recycling coordinator and applicant
Public Services and Utilities. The Government shall assist the Committee in obtaining for its premises, the necessary public services and utilities.
Public Services and Utilities. ESA will identify impacts from the proposed facilities to any existing utilities and public services in the area. ESA will review utility providers onsite and along the pipeline corridors, and will identify potential utility conflicts based upon available information. The proposed project would provide for treatment and disposal/use of biosolids that are currently hauled to landfills, therefore the effects from the change in the current conditions would be analyzed.
Public Services and Utilities. Ascent will consult with public service providers (Mammoth Lakes Fire Protection District, Town Police Department, Town Parks and Recreation Department, and Mammoth Unified School District) pertaining to their ability to provide adequate service to the project while maintaining sufficient service levels to existing uses. Goals and policies in the Public Health and Safety Element of the Town’s General Plan will be considered as applicable. The need for new facilities will be described with the associated potential environmental impacts. The applicant is expected to provide studies analyzing the provision of utilities to the project, including water and wastewater. ⯈ Water. Ascent will prepare the water supply section of the EIR/EIS and will evaluate the supply and demand for water and the ability of water developers to serve the project and cumulative development in the Town of Mammoth Lakes. It is assumed that the applicant would provide water demand calculations, if they are determined to be needed, which would be used as the basis for the water supply analysis in the EIR/EIS. Due to the size of the project, it will be evaluated under Section 15155 of the CEQA Guidelines (water supply projects). Ascent will consult with the Mammoth Community Water District as part of the analysis.
Public Services and Utilities. The Xxxxxxx team shall evaluate whether the project has the potential to make a significant contribution to a cumulative reduction of landfill capacity or ability to properly dispose of refuse or result in a breach of federal, state, or local statutes or regulations related to solid waste management. This section will primarily focus on the County's ability to comply with CCR Title 14, Section 18755.3. Other public service and utility issues will be quickly reviewed and dismissed as necessary, based upon the County's Initial Study and the previous EIR. Land Use and Policy Consistency The Xxxxxxx team shall evaluate the extent to which the project will affect or be affected by lands currently utilized for agriculture, or designated in the General Plan for agricultural use. Xxxxxxx shall use the previous EIR and the County Board of Supervisors approved Coastal Exception Permit 97-0309 to assess the land use impact of this project and to evaluate consistency with General Plan Policies 5.13.5 and 5.13.6. Xxxxxxx shall also rely heavily upon the 1996 DEIR to evaluate whether the project has the potential to conflict with other County policies adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect. Specifically, issues regarding drainage and erosion, biological resources, traffic hazards, noise, air quality, and landfill capacity shall be addressed in this context.
Public Services and Utilities. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx will prepare the public services and utilities sections of the IS/MND, which will evaluate the potential impacts of the project on wastewater disposal, water, solid waste disposal, police services, fire protection services, and schools. Tasks will include the following: ■ Compile information on existing public service conditions in the project area through contacts with service agency personnel. ■ Identify impacts on public services and utilities based on information from the District and service agency personnel. The evaluation will focus on the possible need for new or physically altered governmental facilities and the physical impacts of constructing these new facilities or facility alterations. The evaluation will consider whether effects on established service ratios, response times, capacity versus projected demand, or other performance objectives would result in the need for new or altered facilities, and whether construction of these facilities would cause significant environmental impacts. ■ Recommend mitigation measures as necessary. Impacts on storm drainage facilities will be evaluated separately under "Hydrology and Water Quality.” Assumptions: Forpurposes of this proposal, it is assumed that the District will provide (1) written descriptions of existing and proposed service and utility features (e.g., water and sewer connections, emergency access, proposed utility relocations); (2) quantified estimates of net change in water demand, sewage generation, and solid waste generation resulting from the project, including during project construction; (3) written description of any measures included in the project to limit water demand and sewage or solid waste generation; and (4) written description of any measures included in the project to avoid impacts on utilities in the vicinity. TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC Because there would not be any change in enrollment from the project, the traffic analysis will be limited to addressing the adequacy of emergency access; a full traffic study would not be necessary for the project. The CEQA Checklist questions will be briefly addressed, but no detailed level of service (LOS) or other analysis would be completed. We will work with the District to determine if staff have any concerns on circulation, both on-site and off- site. ENERGY Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx will evaluate the project’s potential impacts related to energy resources. Tasks will include the following: ■ Compile information on existing gas an...