Examples of Utility Lines in a sentence
All Direct Buried Utility Lines and Utility Duct Banks will be marked by use of the appropriate marker tape continuously installed a minimum of twelve (12) inches above said utility line or duct bank.
All persons trimming trees shall be familiar with and utilize the methods described in the handbook Pruning Trees Near Utility Lines by Dr. Alex Shigo.
Pruning Trees Near Electric Utility Lines: A Field Guide For Qualified Line-Clearance Workers” by Dr. Alex L.
The District may download the vegetation schedule file and select and print the portion that is applicable to the specific permit on Form MND-005, Supplemental Form for Additional Sheets for MND-001, MND-002, and MND-004 or on Form MND-003, Attachment A, Application for Permit to Construct Utility Lines Along or Across State Highways for Holders of Master Agreements.
In assessing administrative penalties for violation of the Excavation Damage to Pipelines and Underground Utility Lines Law, Section 62-14-1 et seq.