Codebook Format Sample Clauses
Codebook Format. The codebook describes an ASCII data set (although the data are also being provided in a SAS transport file). The following codebook items are provided for each variable: Name Variable name (maximum of 8 characters) Description Variable descriptor (maximum 40 characters) Format Number of bytes Type Type of data: numeric (indicated by NUM) or character (indicated by XXXX) Start Beginning column position of variable in record End Ending column position of variable in record
Codebook Format. This codebook describes an ASCII data set and provides the following programming identifiers for each variable: Name Variable name (maximum of 8 characters) Description Variable descriptor (maximum 40 characters) Format Number of bytes Type Type of data: numeric (indicated by NUM) or character (indicated by XXXX) Start Beginning column position of variable in record End Ending column position of variable in record
Codebook Format. The EROM codebook describes an ASCII dataset (although the data are also being provided in a SAS transport file). The following codebook items are provided for each variable: Name Variable name (maximum of 8 characters) Description Variable descriptor (maximum 40 characters) Format Number of bytes Type Type of data: numeric (indicated by NUM) or character (indicated by XXXX) Start Beginning column position of variable in record End Ending column position of variable in record
Codebook Format. The office-based medical provider visits codebook describes an ASCII data set (although the data are also being provided in a SAS transport file). The following codebook items are provided for each variable: Name Variable name (maximum of 8 characters) Description Variable descriptor (maximum of 40 characters) Format Number of bytes Type Type of data: numeric (indicated by NUM) or character (indicated by XXXX) Start Beginning column position of variable in record End Ending column position of variable in record
Codebook Format. The STAZ codebook describes an ASCII data set (although the data are also being provided in an Excel file, a Stata data set, a SAS data set, and a SAS transport file). The following codebook items are provided for each variable: Name Variable name Description Variable descriptor Format Number of bytes Type Type of data: numeric (indicated by NUM) or character (indicated by XXXX) Start Beginning column position of variable in record End Ending column position of variable in record
Codebook Format. 2.4 Variable Source and Naming Conventions ................. C-4 C-4 C-5 C-5 2.4.1 General .......................................................... 2.4.2 Expenditure and Source of Payment Variables ....................................................... C-6 C-6 2.5 File Contents................................................................ C-7 2.5.1 Survey Administration Variables .................. 2.5.2 MPC Data Indicator (MPCDATA) ............... 2.5.3 Hospital Inpatient Stay Event Variables ....................................................... 2.5.4 Clinical Classification Software Refined .......................................................... 2.5.5 Flat Fee Variables (FFEEIDX, FFIPTYPE, FFBEF21, FFTOT22) ............... 2.5.6 Expenditure Data........................................... 2.5.7 Rounding ....................................................... C-7 C-8 C-9 C-10 C-10 C-12 C-18 3.0 Survey Sample Information ....................................................... C-19 3.1 Discussion of Pandemic Effects on Quality of 2021 MEPS Data ......................................................... C-19 3.1.1 Summary ....................................................... 3.1.2 Overview ....................................................... C-19 C-19 Section Page
Codebook Format. 2.4 Variable Source and Naming Conventions ................. C-4 C-4 C-5 C-5 2.4.1 Variable-Source Crosswalk........................... 2.4.2 Expenditure and Source of Payment Variables ....................................................... C-5 C-6 2.5 File Contents................................................................ C-7 2.5.1 Survey Administration Variables .................. 2.5.2 MPC Data Indicator (MPCDATA) ............... 2.5.3 Hospital Inpatient Stay Event Variables ....................................................... 2.5.4 Clinical Classification Software Refined .......................................................... 2.5.5 Flat Fee Variables (FFEEIDX, FFIPTYPE, FFBEF22, FFTOT23) ............... 2.5.6 Expenditure Data........................................... 2.5.7 Rounding ....................................................... C-7 C-8 C-8 C-10 C-10 C-11 C-18 3.0 Survey Sample Information ....................................................... C-18 3.1 Discussion of Pandemic Effects on Quality of MEPS Data .................................................................. C-18 3.2 Sample Weight (PERWT22F) ..................................... 3.3 Details on Person Weight Construction ...................... C-20 C-20 Section Page 3.3.1 MEPS Panel 24 Weight Development Process .......................................................... C-21 3.3.2 MEPS Panel 26 Weight Development Process .......................................................... C-21 3.3.3 MEPS Panel 27 Weight Development Process .......................................................... C-22 3.3.4 The Final Weight for 2022 ............................ C-22 3.4 Coverage ...................................................................... C-23 3.5 Using MEPS Data for Trend Analysis ........................ C-23 4.0 Strategies for Estimation............................................................ C-25 4.1 Developing Event-Level Estimates ............................. C-25 4.2 Person-Based Estimates for Hospital Inpatient Stays ............................................................................ C-26 4.3 Variables with Missing Values.................................... C-26 4.4 Variance Estimation (XXXXXX, VARPSU) ............... C-26 4.4.1 Xxxxxx-series Linearization Method .............. C-27 4.4.2 Balanced Repeated Replication Method .......................................................... C-28 5.0 Merging/Linking MEPS Data Files .......................
Codebook Format. 2.4 Variable Naming ......................................................... 2.5 File Contents................................................................ 2.5.1
Codebook Format. 2.4 Variable Naming ......................................................... 2.5 File Contents................................................................ C-2 C-2 C-2 C-3 C-3 2.5.1 Survey Administration Variables (HOMEIDX - RULETR42) .......................... 2.5.2 Food Security Variables (FSOUT42 - FSNEDY42) ............................ C-3 C-4 2.6 Linking to Other Files ................................................. C-5 2.6.1 MEPS Public Use Files ................................. 2.6.2 National Health Interview Survey................. 2.6.3 Longitudinal Analysis ................................... C-5 C-5 C-5 3.0 Survey Sample Information ....................................................... C-6 3.1 Discussion of Pandemic Effects on Quality of 2021 MEPS Data ......................................................... C-6 3.1.1 Summary ....................................................... 3.1.2 Overview ....................................................... C-6 C-6 Section Page
Codebook Format. 2.4 Variable Source and Naming Conventions ................. C-4 C-4 C-5 C-5 2.4.1 General .......................................................... 2.4.2 Expenditure and Source of Payment Variables ....................................................... C-5 C-6 2.5 File Contents................................................................ C-7 2.5.1 Survey Administration Variables .................. C-7 Person Identifiers (DUID, PID, DUPERSID)........................................ Record Identifiers (EVNTIDX, ERHEVIDX, FFEEIDX) .................... C-7 C-7 Round Indicator (EVENTRN) ............ Panel Indicator (PANEL).................... C-8 C-8 2.5.2 MPC Data Indicator (MPCDATA) ............... 2.5.3 Hospital Inpatient Stay Event Variables ....................................................... C-8 C-8 Start and End Dates of Event (IPBEGMM-IPENDYR)..................... C-8 Length of Stay (NUMNIGHX) ........... Preceding ER Visits (EMERROOM)................................... C-8 C-9 Section Page