Examples of College Ready in a sentence
A student may demonstrate that they are TSI exempt for college readiness and dual credit eligibility by achieving the following minimum passing standards under the provisions of the TSIA relating to College Ready and Adult Basic Education Standards on relevant section(s) of the TSIA OR other appropriate state-approved test scores (see below SAT, ACT, STAAR score requirements for TSIA).
In 2010, Green Dot used the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching as a basis to build our own College Ready Teaching Framework (CRTF).
First, report the proportion of all students in the current four-year graduation cohort for the school (or within the district or state, as appropriate for comparison metrics or for district or state report cards), regardless of graduation status, who (a) are identified as either College Ready or Career Ready, (b) are identified as both College Ready and Career Ready, (c) are identified as College Ready, and (d) are identified as Career Ready.
The Framework, which was developed when ICEF was part of The College Ready Promise, focuses on three pedagogical priorities – College Readiness, Cognitive Engagement and Constructivism.
The framework (See College Ready Teaching Framework in Appendix) is comprised of four domains.
In case, the tender could not be submitted for any reason the complete set of tender Documents in full shall be returned promptly to the Integral Coach Factory, Chennai failing which the defaulting tenderer may not be considered for issue of future inquiries by Integral Coach Factory, Chennai.
At a minimum, Programs shall require Candidates to have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or have a GPA in the top 50th percentile for coursework completed during the most recent two years of the applicants general education, whether secondary or post-secondary; or demonstrate mastery of general knowledge, including the ability to read, write, and compute, by achieving a score deemed to be College Ready on a test of general knowledge normed to the college-bound population.
Instructional program based on the Instructional Pyramid (see below) so that all areas of well-aligned content areas (ELA, Math, Science, etc.) are addressed: Vision, College Ready Metrics, Student Habits and Competencies, State Standards, Teacher and Leader Practices/Development, Content and Curriculum, Assessment Model, Data System, and Multi-Tiered Support System.
Instructional program based on the Instructional Pyramid (see below) so that all areas of well- aligned content areas (ELA, Math, Science, etc.) are addressed: Vision, College Ready Metrics, Student Habits and Competencies, State Standards, Teacher and Leader Practices/Development, Content and Curriculum, Assessment Model, Data System, and Multi-Tiered Support System.
The only exception will be for schools that are part of the A+ College Ready Advanced Placement Grant Program.