Examples of Combined Entities in a sentence
Description: This resolution affirms the City of Hollister’s commitment to construct the West Gateway Streetscape CIP Project with pooled funds from the Active Transportation Program Funds Cycle 3, approved Claims from the San Benito County Council of Government for use of transportation funds in support of a proposed application for Active Transportation Program Funds to assist with pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements in west Hollister.
Evaluation is the means by which evaluators assess: (i) the quality of the software, (ii) the usability of the system, (iii) the extent to which the user’s requirements have been met, and (iv) the ability to identify system problems.
The Combined Entities also place cash and cash equivalents with a number of other financial institutions.
On February 2, 2018, the Combined Entities entered a new credit facility providing $27,000,000 in available debt financing with a 3-year commitment.
The Combined Entities outsource certain software maintenance to a company in which Mateer owns a 20% interest.