Comprehensive Development Area definition

Comprehensive Development Area. (CDA) means an area designed for a comprehensive development plan or plan that is designed specifically for the site. This designation recognizes the uniqueness of parcels of land or their location or their intended use and is often used for larger areas, urban sites, mixed‐use development and intensive small‐lot developments.
Comprehensive Development Area. Adjoining Open Space Site - Residents living nearby the “CDA” site, mainly from Whampoa Garden (Phase 9), requested the “CDA” site to be developed for public use and requested the Government to suggest other development possibilities for the public to choose. - Some queried the need for hotel and commercial development at the “CDA” site and objected to hotel development above the proposed Public Transport Terminus (PTT). - Some suggested that the site could be rezoned to “G/IC” to provide community facilities, such as library, polyclinic, sport centre, hall for exhibition and performance. - Some requested that there should be no development for the site, and it should be left vacant.
Comprehensive Development Area. Adjoining Open Space Site Question 3 - What is your view on the proposed uses of PDS 2? Question 3a - Provision of urban park at the existing public transport terminus - There was a strong support from the majority of the respondents (83%) on the proposed urban park being provided at the existing PTT. Question 3a - Provision of Urban Park at the Existing Public Transport Terminus 5% 6% 6% Agree Not Agree No Comment Invalid Response

Examples of Comprehensive Development Area in a sentence

  • Comprehensive Development Plans shall demonstrate that the yield achieves within 10% of the residential unit total identified in Comprehensive Development Area Residential Unit Yield.

  • It was important to increase the visibility of this process and inform governments that the Committee of Experts may proceed to examine the substance of a matter even in the event of continued failure to report.

  • Besides, to align with the development of cultural and art activity in the Diamond Hill Comprehensive Development Area, several shops on the first floor of the shopping centre connected to the Landscaped Walk are proposed for cultural & related trades.

  • Future Park Dedication 3: Located within Comprehensive Development Area: YMCA Road Area, Future Park Dedication 3, located at the north end of this large site, would provide neighbourhood green space, views of Thornbrough Channel, and staircase access to the beach.

  • The Langdale Comprehensive Development Area: Neighbourhood Village Centre, as described in Chapter 3: ‘the Neighbourhood chapters’ is an example of a potential area of clustered and affordable market housing.

  • Cross of Jesus turns into a demand on individuals to transform themselves to take part in the communal transformation.

  • Building a GII is a very expensive undertaking that requires cross-agency, cross-government planning.

  • In 1986, the Gander Town Council amended the Municipal Plan to create a Comprehensive Development Area for lands south of the Trans Canada Highway.

  • Though there are certainly situations where this is the case, occasions remain whereby acute need is not the result of anyone’s fault and whereby, therefore, no appeal can be made to outcome responsibility.

  • Comprehensive Development Area zones have been designated as three areas of the Town as shown on the Land Use Zoning map.

Related to Comprehensive Development Area

  • Comprehensive Plan means a generalized, coordinated land use map and policy statement of the governing body of a local government that interrelates all functional and natural systems and activities relating to the use of lands, including but not limited to sewer and water systems, transportation systems, educational facilities, recreational facilities, and natural resources and air and water quality management programs. “Comprehensive” means all-inclusive, both in terms of the geographic area covered and functional and natural activities and systems occurring in the area covered by the plan. “General nature” means a summary of policies and proposals in broad categories and does not necessarily indicate specific locations of any area, activity or use. A plan is “coordinated” when the needs of all levels of governments, semipublic and private agencies and the citizens of Oregon have been considered and accommodated as much as possible. “Land” includes water, both surface and subsurface, and the air.

  • sustainable development means development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

  • Development Cost means the total of all costs incurred in the completion of a Development excluding Developer Fee, operating deficit reserves, and total land cost as typically shown in the Development Cost line item on the development cost pro forma.

  • Total Development Cost means the total of all costs incurred in the completion of a Development, all of which shall be subject to the review and approval by the Credit Underwriter and the Corporation pursuant to this rule chapter, and as further described in Rule 67-48.0075, F.A.C.

  • Development Project means a project for the development of land within a project area.