Conceptual site model definition

Conceptual site model means a conceptual understanding of a site that identifies known or suspected:
Conceptual site model means a description of the complete current and potential exposure pathways, based on existing and reasonably anticipated future use.
Conceptual site model means a conceptual understand- ing of a site that identifies potential or suspected sources of hazardous substances, types and concentrations of hazardous substances, potentially contaminated media, and actual and potential exposure pathways and receptors. This model is typically initially developed during the scoping of the reme- dial investigation and further refined as additional informa- tion is collected on the site. It is a tool used to assist in making decisions at a site.

Examples of Conceptual site model in a sentence

  • Conceptual site model development as well as fate and transport analysis should take into account any seasonal variations that may exist at an Act 2 site.

  • Conceptual site model (CSM) - A representation of the nature, fate and transport of releases that allows assessment of potential and/or actual exposure to contaminants.

  • Conceptual site model for industrial sites.(Source: Adapted from figure by L.

  • From Article 2 of the Act establishing BES, it follows that the General Administrative Law Act of the European Netherlands can be declared (partially) applicable to the Caribbean Netherlands.

  • A Conceptual site model for excavated soils on land differs from a Conceptual site model for Reuse of Sediment on land.

More Definitions of Conceptual site model

Conceptual site model means a representation in three dimensions of environmental conditions at a release area that is developed through a multi-phased investigative approach which validates such representation with information about, including but not limited to, a substance’s release, fate and transport, and pathway to human and environmental receptors.
Conceptual site model or “CSM” means a comprehensive graphical model and written and summary describing what is known or hypothesized about environmental contamination at a site and the relationship among key site information that are pertinent to decision-making. A CSM is a model or representation that evolves over the life cycle of site investigation and cleanup efforts and provides a platform for evaluating the data gaps and related uncertainty associated with site history and operations; geology, hydrogeology and hydrology; contaminant sources, release mechanisms and fate and transport; potential receptors and exposure pathways.
Conceptual site model means a written, illustrative, or both, representation of a site that documents the physical, chemical and biological processes that control the transport, migration, actual or potential, or both impacts of contamination in soil, air, ground water, surface water, sediments, to human or ecological receptors, or both, exposure pathways, at a site or at a reasonably anticipated site under both current and potential future land use scenarios.
Conceptual site model or “CSM” means a representation of an environmental system, incorporating information about a chemical’s release, fate, transport mechanisms and pathways, and any potential receptors, that is used as a tool for understanding and for explaining to others the basis and rationale for the site investigation and the conclusions drawn about the environmental conditions at a site;
Conceptual site model means a conceptual understanding of a site that identifies ((potential or suspected sources of)) known or suspected:
Conceptual site model or “CSM” means a written and illustrative representation of the physical, chemical, and biological processes that control the transport, migration and actual and potential impacts of contamination to human and ecological receptors. The initial Conceptual Site Model shall be based on the investigations performed to date, and a Conceptual Site Model shall at a minimum include:
Conceptual site model means a description of possible contaminant sources, migration pathways, exposure routes, and human and/or ecological receptors. The conceptual site model depicts complete exposures, as well as exposures that have been, or are presumed to be, severed using activity and use limitations and/or engineering controls (e.g., land-use covenants, caps, and covers).