Conference Budget definition
Examples of Conference Budget in a sentence
The New England Missions Reserve Fund may be voted a line item amount in the Conference Budget.
The Ministry Support Reserve Fund may be voted a line item amount in the Conference Budget.
Board Approval of Conference Budget The APA California Board shall review the preliminary conference budget for comment, and shall approve the final budget and profit estimate pursuant to G.
The Annual Conference Budget will be developed by the Executive Director, Business Manager and other committees or staff members as requested.
The President, President-Elect, Treasurer, National Finance Director, and Executive Director shall be responsible for preparing an Annual Convention Budget and Corporate Counsel Conference Budget within the annual budget approved each year by the Board.
Conference Grants and Pre-Conference Grants are designated line items in the Conference Budget within the overall ATHE budget.
Governor is the presiding officer of the District Conference / District meetingThe district board and one or more clubs shall plan the district conference.The areas shall take turns planning the district conference in the respective areasThe District Board shall adopt the District Conference Budget.
The budget will be sourced from the Planning Conference Budget of the Office of the Executive Vice President-Research Innovation and Strategic Advisory (OEVP-RISA).
S.: John Nance Garner, New Deal, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Bonus March, Hawley-Smoot Tariff, Clark Memorandum, Kellogg-Briand Treaty (1928), National Origins Act, Dawes Plan, Teapot Dome, Fordney-McCumber Tariff, Washington Naval Arms Conference, Budget and Accounting Act, Dust Bowl, Hooverville, Glass-Steagall Banking Act (1932), Al Smith, Good Neighbor Policy, Nine Power Treaty, Four Power Treaty, “Normalcy,” Andrew Mellon, Albert Fall, Harry Sinclair, Charles R.
Conference venue - Edinburgh Convention Bureau, first proposal of the Technical programme and Conference Budget are specified in details.