Congestion Costs definition

Congestion Costs means the difference in the locational marginal prices at the Points of Delivery and the IP Zonal Price attributable to transmission system congestion, as defined in MISO's applicable FERC-approved tariff and as calculated and published by MISO.
Congestion Costs means the effect on transmission line loadings as reflected in the cost of transmission (whether positive or negative) associated with either increasing the output of a Generation Resource or serving an increment of Retail Load at each bus when the transmission system serving that bus is operating under constrained conditions.
Congestion Costs for an hour shall equal the aggregate of the portions of the uplift paid to resources for a Scheduled Dispatch Period that are attributable to that hour for those resources which were run out-of-merit because of limitations in transmission capacity, as such portions are calculated in accordance with the applicable Market Rules.

Examples of Congestion Costs in a sentence

  • This information will include histograms of hourly MW flows and congestion costs and total monthly Congestion Costs by Interface.

  • The Bid Post System also will provide historical data regarding Energy and Capacity market clearing prices in addition to Congestion Costs.

  • The ISO will consider a request for such firm service on shorter notice when feasible.A Transmission Customer may fix the price of Congestion Costs associated with its service by acquiring sufficient TCCs with the same Point(s) of Receipt and Point(s) of Delivery as its Transmission Service.

  • A Transmission Customer may fix the price of Congestion Costs associated with its service by acquiring sufficient TCCs with the same Point(s) of Receipt and Point(s) of Delivery as its Transmission Service.

  • Any Market Participant that elects to include an External Transaction in the Day-Ahead Energy Market may specify the price (such price not to exceed the maximum price that may be specified in the ISO New England Manuals and ISO New England Administrative Procedures), if any, at which it will be curtailed rather than pay Congestion Costs.

  • Any Market Participant that deviates from its Day-Ahead External Transaction schedule or elects not to include its External Transaction in the Day-Ahead Energy Market shall be subject to Congestion Costs in the Real-Time Energy Market in order to complete any such scheduled External Transaction.

  • Congestion Costs will not be calculated, and therefore FTRs will not be offered, between any set of points on the Phase I/II HVDC-TF.

  • Transmission Customers taking Phase I/II HVDC-TF Service in conjunction with service over the PTF, however, shall be subject to applicable Congestion Costs for any use of the PTF.

  • Pursuant to the Transmission, Markets and Services Tariff, Congestion Costs will not be calculated, and therefore FTRs will not be offered, between any set of points on the MTF, so long as it remains MTF.

  • Market Participants shall be charged or credited for Congestion Costs as specified in Section III.3.2.1(i) of this Market Rule 1.

More Definitions of Congestion Costs

Congestion Costs means the effect on transmission line loadings as reflected in the cost of transmission (whether positive or negative) associated with either increasing the output of a generating resource or serving an increment of load at a delivery point when the transmission system serving that delivery point is operating under constrained conditions.

Related to Congestion Costs

  • Construction Costs means land costs, all costs paid to construct and complete the Improvements, as specified on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof.

  • Transaction Costs means all fees, costs and expenses incurred or payable by the Borrower or any Subsidiary in connection with the Transactions.

  • Direct Costs means the sum of the following: