Examples of Conversion Rates in a sentence
Your Goal-of-the-DAY is to understand, understand deeply, the concepts outlined here, culminating with the concept of PREselling to maximize Conversion Rates.
Any distribution of rights or warrants pursuant to a rights plan that would allow Holders to receive upon conversion, in addition to any shares of Common Stock, the rights described therein (unless such rights or warrants have separated from Common Stock) shall not constitute a distribution of rights or warrants that would entitle Holders to an adjustment to the Fixed Conversion Rates.
Any distribution of rights or warrants pursuant to a rights plan that would allow Preferred A Shareholders to receive upon conversion, in addition to any Common Shares, the rights described therein (unless such rights or warrants have separated from Common Shares) shall not constitute a distribution of rights or warrants that would entitle Preferred A Shareholders to an adjustment to the Fixed Conversion Rates.
The Conversion Rates published by the WM Company are available from the Reuters page WMRSPOT.
The Conversion Rates published by the WM Company are available from the Reuters page WMRSPOT, (or, in case of an Event-linked Early Expiration, the Conversion Rates are published by Reuters on the ReutersFXScreenPage in respect of each Issue of Warrants).