Core Policies definition
Examples of Core Policies in a sentence
Note that they apply in addition to the Core Policies defined in the vLEI Ecosystem Governance Framework.
To ensure a satisfactory external appearance of the development and to respect the setting of nearby listed buildings in accordance with Policies EN1 and EN17 of the Local Adopted Plan for Slough 2004, Core Policies 8 and 9 of the Slough Local Development Framework Core Strategy 2006-2026, and the guidance contained in the Council’s Developer’s Guide Part 4 (2008) and the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
See also Core Policies and Hospital Guidelines CP1.13 Death of a Patient – Required Procedures, Notifications and Consents, and CP1.44.
To ensure a satisfactory external appearance of the development and to respect the setting of nearby listed buildings in accordance with Policies EN1 and EN17 of the Local Adopted Plan for Slough 2004, Core Policies 8 and 9 of the Slough Local Development Framework Core Strategy 2006-2026, and the guidance contained in the Council’s Developer’s Guide Part 4 (2008) and the National Planning Policy Framework (2019).
Where the 2006 Preferred Options were considered to be more effective joined together, they were integrated into a new preferred option in the Core Policies.
In order to minimise opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour in accordance with Policy EN5 of The Adopted Local Plan for Slough 2004 and Core Policies 8 and 12 of the adopted Core Strategy 2006-2026 and the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework (2019).
The policies described below have been developed to reinforce reference to the environment and sustainability made in Core Policies (Section 4).
It has the following structure:• District Profile – describing what Cannock Chase District was like in 2006 and identifying key issues and challenges• Vision – anticipating what Cannock Chase District could be like in 2028 if challenges are met• District Wide Objectives – fully justified and cross referenced to the Core Policies which will help to achieve them.
It is not our intention to repeat the policy provisions provided for in other Core Policies.
Transfers of inpatient responsibility must be done in accordance with the requirements of Core Policies and Hospital Guidelines CP1.10, CP2.61 Patient Acceptance, Admission, Transfer and Discharge and Hand-Off Communication.