Counting definition
Examples of Counting in a sentence
Counting from the date he commences employment with the Company, each new employee will be allowed thirty (30) calendar days within which to make application to join the Union and tender the appropriate initiation fees.
Counting the periods of working based on the declarationThe total period of the foreigner's work cannot exceed 6 months during consecutive 12 months regardless of the number of employers employing them based on the declaration.
The statistics shall meet or exceed the most recent project Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources ("COUNTER") Code of Practice Release,3 including but not limited to its provisions on customer confidentiality.
Accreditation Form—Pollwatchers for Political Parties (Challenging Committees) 1-N(93) Accreditation Form—Observers for Political Parties (To Witness the Counting of Ballots) 1-O(95) Letter of Appointment—Pollwatchers for Nonpartisan and Nonparty Candidates 1-P(95) Application for Additional Ballots 1-Q(95) Application for Additional Ballots—Auditor’s Record of Telephone Request 1-R(95) Ballot Photocopy Record 1-S(97) Identification Statement Section 2.
The System will maintain a counting program ("EEM Counting Program") for each participating EEM who has submitted an order in an EEM Specified Option Class using a specified MPID of the EEM and delivered via the MEO Interface as described herein (an “EEM ARM Eligible Order”).
The System will engage the Aggregate Risk Manager for EEMs (“ARM-E”) in a particular EEM Specified Option Class when the EEM Counting Program has determined that an EEM has executed during the EEM Specified Time Period a number of EEM ARM Contracts from an EEM ARM Eligible Order equal to or above their EEM Allowable Engagement Percentage.
Validity Period of Proposals (Counting from the date of submission deadline)☐ 60 days☐ 90 days☒ 120 days In exceptional circumstances, UNDP may request the Proposer to extend the validity of the Proposal beyond what has been initially indicated in this RFP.
The EEM Counting Program will count the number of contracts executed by an EEM from an EEM ARM Eligible Order (the “EEM ARM Contracts”) within a specified time period that has been established by the EEM (the “EEM Specified Time Period”).
The MM Counting Program will count the number of contracts executed by a Market Maker from an MM ARM Eligible Order (the “MM ARM Contracts”) within a specified time period that has been established by the Market Maker or as a default setting, as defined below (the “MM Specified Time Period”).
The System will maintain a counting program ("MM Counting Program") for each Market Maker who has submitted an order in an option class (an “MM Option Class”) delivered via the MEO Interface as described herein (an “MM ARM Eligible Order”).