Counting definition

Counting. Allaah's ninety nine names means: knowing them, learning them by heart, understanding them, believing in them, good observance towards them, presentation of their boundaries in our dealings with Allaah, and supplicating to Allaah through them. 46 Thus, according to Abu Umar At-Talmankiy, the hadeeth means that whoever committed those names to memory, contemplated their implications, respected their meanings, conducted himself in accordance with them, sanctified their Owner, such a person will surely be rewarded with the Gardens of Paradise.47
Counting means the final tally and results of the tabulated ballots as processed by the Vote Tabulator.

Examples of Counting in a sentence

  • Counting from the date he commences employment with the Company, each new employee will be allowed thirty (30) calendar days within which to make application to join the Union and tender the appropriate initiation fees.

  • Counting the periods of working based on the declarationThe total period of the foreigner's work cannot exceed 6 months during consecutive 12 months regardless of the number of employers employing them based on the declaration.

  • The statistics shall meet or exceed the most recent project Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources ("COUNTER") Code of Practice Release,3 including but not limited to its provisions on customer confidentiality.

  • Accreditation Form—Pollwatchers for Political Parties (Challenging Committees) 1-N(93) Accreditation Form—Observers for Political Parties (To Witness the Counting of Ballots) 1-O(95) Letter of Appointment—Pollwatchers for Nonpartisan and Nonparty Candidates 1-P(95) Application for Additional Ballots 1-Q(95) Application for Additional Ballots—Auditor’s Record of Telephone Request 1-R(95) Ballot Photocopy Record 1-S(97) Identification Statement Section 2.

  • The System will maintain a counting program ("EEM Counting Program") for each participating EEM who has submitted an order in an EEM Specified Option Class using a specified MPID of the EEM and delivered via the MEO Interface as described herein (an “EEM ARM Eligible Order”).

  • The System will engage the Aggregate Risk Manager for EEMs (“ARM-E”) in a particular EEM Specified Option Class when the EEM Counting Program has determined that an EEM has executed during the EEM Specified Time Period a number of EEM ARM Contracts from an EEM ARM Eligible Order equal to or above their EEM Allowable Engagement Percentage.

  • Validity Period of Proposals (Counting from the date of submission deadline)☐ 60 days☐ 90 days☒ 120 days In exceptional circumstances, UNDP may request the Proposer to extend the validity of the Proposal beyond what has been initially indicated in this RFP.

  • The EEM Counting Program will count the number of contracts executed by an EEM from an EEM ARM Eligible Order (the “EEM ARM Contracts”) within a specified time period that has been established by the EEM (the “EEM Specified Time Period”).

  • The MM Counting Program will count the number of contracts executed by a Market Maker from an MM ARM Eligible Order (the “MM ARM Contracts”) within a specified time period that has been established by the Market Maker or as a default setting, as defined below (the “MM Specified Time Period”).

  • The System will maintain a counting program ("MM Counting Program") for each Market Maker who has submitted an order in an option class (an “MM Option Class”) delivered via the MEO Interface as described herein (an “MM ARM Eligible Order”).

Related to Counting

  • Counting room means a suitable and convenient private place or room,

  • Stacking (or “Stackable”) means the application of more than one of the same Subscription to account for additional capacity.

  • Hours of Service means hours to be credited to an Employee under the following rules:

  • Counting judge means a poll worker designated to count the ballots during

  • Counting center means one or more locations selected by the election officer in

  • Fédération means Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec.

  • Measurement means metered volumes at a custody transfer meter through a turbine, Coriolis, or such other meter.

  • Scaling as used herein, involves:

  • Workday means 12:00 AM through 11:59 PM.

  • Cycle means a period of time (approximately 5 days) during which each type of product is pumped for all shippers desiring transportation of such product.

  • Extrapolation means that the total amount of overpayment or underpayment will be determined by using sample data meeting the confidence level requirement.

  • Hour means an hour of sixty minutes. For the purpose of hire and / or penalty charges, fraction of an hour up to 30 (thirty) minutes will not be taken into account and more than 30 (thirty) minutes will be treated as one full hour.

  • Assembly means the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union;

  • POTS means plain old telephone service. "Power Spectral Density (PSD) Masks" are graphical templates that define the limits on signal power densities across a range of frequencies to permit divergent technologies to coexist in close proximity within the same Binder Groups.

  • Ticket means either a paper or electronic document issued by or on behalf of the carrier which includes the passenger’s flight coupons. The ticket serves as evidence of payment of air fare and constitutes for the passenger proof of their contract of carriage. It also has detailed information to ensure proper processing and handling. In instances where a ticket exists as an electronic document, the carrier issues to the passenger, as proof of purchase, an itinerary/receipt.

  • Density means the permitted number of dwelling units per

  • Calibration means the determination of (1) the response or reading of an instrument relative to a series of known radiation values over the range of the instrument, or (2) the strength of a source of radiation relative to a standard.

  • Recalibration means the adjustment of all DRG weights to reflect changes in relative resource consumption.

  • Taximeter means any device for calculating the fare to be charged in respect of any journey in a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle by reference to the distance travelled or time elapsed since the start of the journey, or a combination of both; and

  • LEAP means the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program established by the Board;

  • Clock hour means either of the following:

  • Message means Data structured in accordance with the Adopted Protocol and transmitted electronically between the parties including where the context admits any part of such Data.

  • Labeling means all labels and other written, printed, or graphic matter on an article or any of its

  • Tamper means to interfere with something improperly, meddle with it, make unwarranted

  • ACP means the "Actual Contribution Percentage" determined pursuant to Section 12.6(d).

  • labelling means any words, particulars, trade marks, brand name, pictorial matter or symbol relating to a food and placed on any packaging, document, notice, label, ring or collar accompanying or referring to such food;