Examples of County legislation in a sentence
County legislation adopted in violation of this section is void and unenforceable and any enforcement activity conducted in violation of this section is void.
Legislation then used to develop the Allegheny County legislation and legislation in the state of Ohio.
Copies of the County legislation (Bill 74-11) and the MDE approval letter were provided in the 2011 Annual Report.
Respondents should be aware that CIF activities, as well as those of any CIF grantee, are subject to any modifications required by Federal, State or County legislation and their regulations.
Both the Constitution and County legislation provide for the holding of referenda in matters of great public interest.
The IPM plan is required pursuant to County legislation that became effective July 1, 2013 and that modified Article 14 of the County Code by adding §14-1-105 (Integrated Pest Management Plan).
Second, in 2013, the parties litigated then-County Executive Robert Astorino’s veto of proposed County legislation to ban source-of-income discrimination in housing.
Dogs are required to be licensed and in compliance with Cumberland County legislation.
Relevant County legislation affecting Solid Waste Management and Recycling Planning includes the Solid Waste Ordinance, the Rules and Regulations for Use of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities in St. Mary's County, and the Zoning Ordinance as amended from time to time.
Mayor Compton explained formal signing of Montgomery County legislation took place today.