County road system definition
Examples of County road system in a sentence
As part of our commitment to ESG, we are proud to report on our progress and performance in these areas.
In addition to the County road system, the counties are responsible for maintenance and improvements to any bridges on city roads and streets.
The plan that guides the development of adequate circulation within the County, and connects the County road system to regional traffic carriers.
Any roads not intended to be added onto the County road system shall be privately developed and maintained in accordance with Kittitas County Road Standards for Pprivate Rroads.
Of the roads operating below traditional roadway standards (i.e. at LOS E and F), two were on the State highway system, three were on the County road system, and two were the responsibility of the City; however, some of these segments met multimodal standards.
NET RMA established the TRZ and is directing 50 percent of the incremental tax revenue to the Toll 49 project and the remaining revenue for other county needs, including maintenance and improvements of the Smith County road system.
The placement of driveway pipe shall be controlled by the County or other responsible public entity, etc., to insure proper size and grade once accepted into the County road system.
Prior to acceptance into the County road system it is the duty and responsibility of the developer to notify each purchasing landowner of driveway pipe construction requirements and responsibilities.
Upon any redevelopment, the property will be expected to meet City Code, retaining all stormwater on-site as there is no public overflow system in this area of the City and the County will not allow overflow into the County road system.
MSCHE does not requires this, however, if it's easier to enter the same data as IPEDS, then you can choose "Yes" to the O&M Allocation question and enter the expenses in the O&M column in the IP.