Arterial Roads definition

Arterial Roads means Class 1 and Class 2 highways as determined under the Table to section 1 of Ontario Regulation 239/02 (Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways) made under the Municipal Act, 2001; (“artères”)
Arterial Roads means rural roads which feed into the provincial highway system and consistently have traffic volumes in excess of 200 vpd.
Arterial Roads means roads within Kitsap County that have been classified using the federally designated functional class system. This system is used by the federal government to distribute transportation funds to local agencies. Arterial roads are typically intended to provide mobility while controlling direct access. Examples of arterials are Silverdale Way (Principal Arterial), Mile Hill Drive (Minor Arterial), and Hood Canal Drive (Collector Arterial).

Examples of Arterial Roads in a sentence

  • Collector Roads are those which connect Arterial Roads with Local Roads.

  • Both of these Regional Arterial Roads are planned for increasing levels of transit and have been designated as Local Corridors by the existing Region of York Official Plan, where intensification is intended to support planned levels of transit and where mixed-use buildings, pedestrian supportive streetscapes and higher density employment and residential land uses will support an urban realm.

  • Microsoft MapPoint setting for Driving Speeds shall be; Interstate Highways – 65 mph, Limited Access Highways – 60 mph, Other Highways – 50 mph, Arterial Roads – 00 xxx, Xxxxxxx – 20 mph.

  • Although there are some exceptions, these uses are generally concentrated along certain stretches of Arterial Roads.

  • The Centre has been planned at the intersection of two Regional Arterial Roads, Rutherford Road and Dufferin Street.

More Definitions of Arterial Roads

Arterial Roads means a minor or major through road or street that are expected to carry large volumes of traffic from collector and local roads.
Arterial Roads means major routes in the network of roadways as defined in the Township of Uxbridge Official Plan, Schedule "A" and the Region of Durham Official Plan, Map B1. They connect industrial and commercial centres and concentrations of residential development. Examples of an arterial road would include Toronto Street South and Brock Street;
Arterial Roads means a road that provides a continuous, integrated highway network for long distance travel and are intended to provide primarily a traffic mobility function. E.g. original road allowances;
Arterial Roads means Class 1 and Class 2 highways as determined under the Table to section 1 of Ontario Regulation 239/02.
Arterial Roads means, a high-capacity urban road which serves to deliver traffic from collector roads to highways, and/or between urban centres
Arterial Roads means roadways carrying high traffic volumes within the Town of Peace River.
Arterial Roads means highest traffic volume corridors which deliver traffic from collector roads to provincial highways.