School counselor means an educator who provides full-time counseling and guidance services and holds the relevant certificate from SBEC.
Camper means a structure designed, used, and maintained primarily to be
Façade means the principal front or fronts of a building.
Specialist means a dentist who has received a specialty
Archives means the archives of Michigan.
Facsimile machine means a machine that can send and receive a facsimile transmission.
Counselor means a juvenile department counselor or a county juvenile probation officer.
Copy whether or not capitalized, means any paper, disk, tape, film, memory device, or other material or object on or in which any words, object code, source code or other symbols are written, recorded or encoded, whether permanent or transitory.
Licensed professional counselor means a counselor licensed by a member state, regardless of the title used by that state, to independently assess, diagnose, and treat behavioral health conditions.
Painter means an employee who applies paint or any other preparation used for preservative or decorative purposes -
Interview means the questioning of an officer who is the subject of a complaint pursuant to the formal administrative investigation procedures of the investigating agency, if such a complaint may be the basis for seeking removal, discharge, or suspension, or other disciplinary action against the officer. “Interview” does not include questioning as part of any informal inquiry or questioning related to minor infractions of agency rules which will not result in removal, discharge, suspension, or other disciplinary action against the officer.
Professional counselor means a person trained in the application of principles, standards, and
Weed means any plant which grows where not wanted.
Legal Services means services of a legal or financial nature and includes any part of such services, and for the avoidance of doubt, includes (without limitation):-
Answer means a concise response outlining the employer's position on the grievance.
Operations Manager means the Contract Personnel consented to by the Director in accordance with Schedule 3 Contract Management, Section 2 Key People.
General Counsel means the General Counsel of the Corporation.
Handler means a person who takes title to and is engaged in the operation of packing, cleaning, drying, packaging, sizing, hauling, grading, selling, offering for sale, or marketing a marketable agricultural commodity or an agricultural commodity input in commercial quantities as defined in a marketing program, who as owner, agent, or otherwise, ships or causes an agricultural commodity or agricultural commodity input to be shipped.
Proctor means any person, including, but not limited to,
Facsimile (FAX) prescription means a written prescription or order that is transmitted by an electronic device over telephone lines that sends the exact image to the receiving pharmacy in hard copy form.
Service Center Our mailing address shown in the Contract Specifications. We will notify you of any change in our mailing address.
Abstract means a written or electronic summary of all matters of record affecting title to a specific parcel of real estate prepared in accordance with abstract minimum standards adopted by the division, provided however, that for nonpurchase transactions, “abstract” may also mean a written or electronic short-form summary setting forth the titleholders, liens, and encumbrances in accordance with guidelines adopted by the division.
Preschooler means a child age two through four years old.
Professional counseling means the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of behavioral health conditions by a licensed professional counselor.
Campfire means a small outdoor fire intended for recreation or cooking not including a fire intended for disposal of waste wood or refuse.
Email has the meaning given in Clause 29.1;