CRSPA Initial Units definition
Examples of CRSPA Initial Units in a sentence
The Parties will coordinate on any public outreach for drought response operations at the CRSPA Initial Units.
The persons and entities executing this Drought Response Operations Agreement on behalf of the Parties are recognized by the Parties as representing the respective Upper Division States and the Commission and the Department of the Interior in matters concerning the Colorado River and operation of the CRSPA Initial Units, and as those persons authorized to bind the respective Parties to the terms hereof.
Moreover, nothing in this Drought Response Operations Agreement affects or shall be interpreted to affect the obligations that each Party may have related to natural resources at or around the CRSPA Initial Units under applicable law.
For purposes of this Drought Response Operations Agreement “drought response operations” refers to operational adjustments or releases made at or from the CRSPA Initial Unit(s) to minimize the risk of Lake Xxxxxx declining below the Target Elevation, as well as to provide for actions at the CRSPA Initial Unit(s) in subsequent years to recover storage at the same facility/facilities.
The Secretary will commence monthly drought operations planning and coordination calls or meetings with the Upper Division States and the Commission to discuss monthly modeling and tracking of hydrology forecasts, system conditions, and status of CRSPA Initial Units; each Party may, in its sole discretion, choose the individuals or entities that will attend.
Project-specific criteria govern the operation of each of the CRSPA Initial Units, including applicable Records of Decision and Biological Opinions to satisfy the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act, the authorized purposes for each facility, and state water right systems and decrees.
Implement drought response operations at the agreed-upon CRSPA Initial Unit(s) in accordance with the Drought Response Operations Plan, and coordinate weekly, or at such other intervals as otherwise agreed to, on such operations.
If a CRSPA Initial Unit has participated in a drought response release, it will not be considered for another drought response release in subsequent years unless drought response releases from the other CRSPA Initial Units do not fully reduce the risk of Lake Xxxxxx declining below the Target Elevation.
Recovery of storage at the CRSPA Initial Units is essential to any drought response operation.
In such instances, a CRSPA Initial Unit may participate in subsequent drought response releases regardless of whether it has fully recovered storage following a prior drought response release, but only to the extent that a) water is available at that CRSPA Initial Unit for the drought response operation; and, b) contributions from the other CRSPA Initial Units cannot otherwise protect the Target Elevation at Lake Xxxxxx.