Examples of Custom Measure in a sentence
Inc., Small Business Services Custom Measure Impact Evaluation, March 23, 2007.
The Custom Measure menu offers 14 options where you can define the parameters for 1–14 custom measurements.
As a result of customer feedback, SDG&E worked closely with the CPUC’s Custom Projects Review (CPR) team to implement improved processes throughout the year, including working ensuring projects placed on the Custom Measure & Project Archive (CMPA) were complete and ready for review by developing and enhancing the Ready for Review Checklist.
The adopted process for Energy Division’s review of custom projects is provided in Attachment B of D.11-07-030.83The IOUs shall follow the custom project ex ante value review process set forth in Attachment B.84 The IOUs shall provide a summary list of all custom projects, in pre-application stage and application stage, in their Custom Measure and Project Archive (CMPA).
A further compounding factor is that L2W should also be usable by governmental planners and public officials, yet another different set of users.
Filename: Statement of Work (Applicable for Custom Measure Applications)• Common Area Tool (if measure is listed).
Custom Measure Incentives are capped by lesser of the following values on a per-project basis:• $0.16 per kWh plus $1.60 per therm• 50% of project cost• Buy-down to 1 year paybackIncentive CapsApplications are subject to an overall Incentive cap of:• $250,000 per project1• 50% of project cost• Buy-down to 1 year payback This incentive cap does not include the Technical Assistance incentive detailed below.
The savings calculations/estimates may or may not follow algorithms prescribed by the TRM or Custom Measure Protocols (CMP) and are based on non-verified, estimated or stipulated values.• EDC Reported Gross Savings – Also known as “EDC Claimed Savings”.
Factors contributing to this feedback include the complex Calculated Incentive Program requirements and intricacies such as the Custom Measure Project Archive (CMPA) parallel review process, collection of incremental measure cost, preponderance of evidence documentation for early retirement measures, and the increased frequency of measure energy savings drastically reduced or removed from offerings due to Commission Industry Standard Practice edict.
Applicants for the Custom Measure Track should consult with SCEIP Staff to determine eligibility and will be required in most cases to submit engineering plans and specifications.