Custom Measure definition

Custom Measure means a measure that satisfies the applicable Custom Measure Eligibility Criteria set out in Section 1.7 of Schedule 2.
Custom Measure means a Measure not comprising a Prescriptive Measure or Engineered Measure and that involves one or more of the following:
Custom Measure means a measure identified in the Application as a “Custom Measure.”

Examples of Custom Measure in a sentence

  • Inc., Small Business Services Custom Measure Impact Evaluation, March 23, 2007.

  • The Custom Measure menu offers 14 options where you can define the parameters for 1–14 custom measurements.

  • As a result of customer feedback, SDG&E worked closely with the CPUC’s Custom Projects Review (CPR) team to implement improved processes throughout the year, including working ensuring projects placed on the Custom Measure & Project Archive (CMPA) were complete and ready for review by developing and enhancing the Ready for Review Checklist.

  • The adopted process for Energy Division’s review of custom projects is provided in Attachment B of D.11-07-030.83The IOUs shall follow the custom project ex ante value review process set forth in Attachment B.84 The IOUs shall provide a summary list of all custom projects, in pre-application stage and application stage, in their Custom Measure and Project Archive (CMPA).

  • A further compounding factor is that L2W should also be usable by governmental planners and public officials, yet another different set of users.

  • Filename: Statement of Work (Applicable for Custom Measure Applications)• Common Area Tool (if measure is listed).

  • Custom Measure Incentives are capped by lesser of the following values on a per-project basis:• $0.16 per kWh plus $1.60 per therm• 50% of project cost• Buy-down to 1 year paybackIncentive Caps‌Applications are subject to an overall Incentive cap of:• $250,000 per project1• 50% of project cost• Buy-down to 1 year payback This incentive cap does not include the Technical Assistance incentive detailed below.

  • The savings calculations/estimates may or may not follow algorithms prescribed by the TRM or Custom Measure Protocols (CMP) and are based on non-verified, estimated or stipulated values.• EDC Reported Gross Savings – Also known as “EDC Claimed Savings”.

  • Factors contributing to this feedback include the complex Calculated Incentive Program requirements and intricacies such as the Custom Measure Project Archive (CMPA) parallel review process, collection of incremental measure cost, preponderance of evidence documentation for early retirement measures, and the increased frequency of measure energy savings drastically reduced or removed from offerings due to Commission Industry Standard Practice edict.

  • Applicants for the Custom Measure Track should consult with SCEIP Staff to determine eligibility and will be required in most cases to submit engineering plans and specifications.

More Definitions of Custom Measure

Custom Measure means a measure that satisfies the applicable Custom Measure Eligibility Criteria set out in Section1.7 of Schedule 2.
Custom Measure means, (a) for the purposes of an HPNC Incentive Schedule, a measure that satisfies the eligibility criteria set out in Section 6 of Exhibit "A" of the HPNC Incentive Schedule; and (b) for the purposes of a Retrofit Incentive Schedule, measures not included as any Prescriptive Measures and that involve one or more of the following (i) replacement of inefficient existing equipment with high efficiency equipment; (ii) the purchase and installation of new high efficiency equipment where none previously existed; (iii) replacement of oversized existing equipment with appropriate sized efficient equipment; (iv) implementation of new operating procedures; or (v) improvement of thermal performance of a building envelope through measures such as increased insulation, installation of high performance windows and frames, low emissive window glazing or low emissive roof barriers, provided in each case that what constitutes high efficiency or high performance will be determined by the IESO in its sole discretion;

Related to Custom Measure

  • measure means any measure by a Party, whether in the form of a law, regulation, rule, procedure, decision, administrative action, or any other form;

  • Custom Local Area Signaling Service Features (CLASS Features) means certain Common Channel Signaling based features available to End Users, including: Automatic Call Back; Call Trace; Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting; Selective Call Forward; and Selective Call Rejection.

  • Supportive measures means individualized services that are offered to the complainant or the respondent designed to restore or preserve equal access to the District’s education program or activity without unreasonably burdening the other party. The supportive measures must be non-disciplinary and non-punitive in nature; offered before or after the filing of a formal complaint or where no formal complaint has been filed; and offered to either party as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge. Examples of supportive measures include, but are not limited to: measures designed to protect the safety of all parties or the District’s educational environment, or deter sexual harassment; counseling; extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments; modifications of work or class schedules; campus escort services; mutual restrictions on contact between the parties; changes in work or class locations; leaves of absence; and increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus.

  • Pandemic Measures means any quarantine, “shelter in place,” stay at home,” workforce reduction, social distancing, shut down, closure, sequester, immunization requirement, safety or similar Law, directive, guidelines or recommendations promulgated by any Governmental Authority, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, in each case, in connection with or in response to a pandemic, including COVID-19.

  • Service Levels means the service levels to be met by the Services as referenced in the Contract Letter and set out in the Specification Schedule.

  • Performance Measure means one or more of the following selected by the Committee to measure Company, Affiliate, and/or business unit performance for a Performance Period, whether in absolute or relative terms (including, without limitation, terms relative to a peer group or index): basic, diluted, or adjusted earnings per share; sales or revenue; earnings before interest, taxes, and other adjustments (in total or on a per share basis); basic or adjusted net income; returns on equity, assets, capital, revenue or similar measure; economic value added; working capital; total shareholder return; and product development, product market share, research, licensing, litigation, human resources, information services, mergers, acquisitions, sales of assets of Affiliates or business units. Each such measure shall be, to the extent applicable, determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as consistently applied by the Company (or such other standard applied by the Committee) and, if so determined by the Committee, and in the case of a Performance Compensation Award, to the extent permitted under Code Section 162(m), adjusted to omit the effects of extraordinary items, gain or loss on the disposal of a business segment, unusual or infrequently occurring events and transactions and cumulative effects of changes in accounting principles. Performance Measures may vary from Performance Period to Performance Period and from Participant to Participant, and may be established on a stand-alone basis, in tandem or in the alternative.

  • Connectivity means the provision of a Permanent Separated Bicycle Lane system that reflects desired routes between all major origins and destinations in the city.