Examples of Customs & International Trade Laws in a sentence
The Target Companies have not made any voluntary or involuntary disclosure to a Governmental Authority concerning any actual or possible violation or wrongdoing related to Customs & International Trade Laws.
Seller has and maintains procedures and internal controls reasonably designed to ensure compliance with Customs & International Trade Laws.
There is no current Litigation by any Governmental Authority regarding the actual or possible violation of any laws relating to Customs & International Trade Laws, and in the past five years, the Target Companies have not received any written notice that there is any Litigation by any Governmental Authority regarding an actual or possible violation of Customs & International Trade Laws.
None of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries has received any written notice from a Governmental Body that it is subject to any civil or criminal investigation, audit or any other inquiry involving or otherwise relating to any alleged or actual violation of Anti-Corruption Laws or Customs & International Trade Laws.
Keuntungan (kerugian) dari perdagangan efek meliputi keuntungan (kerugian) yang timbul dari penjualan efek dan keuntungan (kerugian) yang belum direalisasi akibat kenaikan (penurunan) nilai wajar portofolio efek.Gain (losses) on tranding of securities consist of gains (losses) on securities sold and unrealized gains (losses) as a result of increases (decreases) in the fair value of portfolio of securities owned.