Examples of Cycle 1 in a sentence
Cycle 1, starting in 1994, was conducted in 44 “large parks” (parks containing 10 or more paved route miles).
After Cycle 1, pre-dose laboratory procedures can be conducted up to 72 hours prior to dosing.
Complete a GERTA Request Form and submit electronically to director by March 15 (Cycle 1) or by October 15 (Cycle 2).
Registrars shall return responses with suggestions for change and/or resubmission to the director by May 15 (Cycle 1) or by November 15 (Cycle 2).
Complete a GERTA Request Form and submit electronically to the director by March 15 (Cycle 1) or by October 15 (Cycle 2).
The director shall forward all documents to campus registrars by April 1 (Cycle 1) or by November 1 (Cycle 2).
The Cycle 1 review had not been completed at the time of the onsite review.
For RY 2019, Pennsylvania is designated a Cycle 1 state for CMS Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM).
Municipalities may advance funds from another funding source to begin a surtax grant project in an outyear of the Five-Year Plan and request reimbursement in the year the project is programmed for funding provided that: The Municipal Five-Year Plan includes recommended funding for subsequent phases of Planning- and Design- phase capital projects approved by the County Commission in Cycle 1 (FY2020).
There are two cycles that comprise the TPAs. Cycle 1 (Learning about Students and Planning Instruction) will be assigned during EDSS 4100 and Cycle II (Assessment Driven Instruction) will be assigned during EDSS 4300.