Assistance Program Sample Clauses
Assistance Program. The County and Association agree that employees in the bargaining unit represented by the Association may participate in the County's Dependent Care Assistance Program.
Assistance Program. Teachers experiencing serious instructional difficulties may be placed on an Improvement Plan in accordance with the following process. However, at the discretion of the teacher, the Peer Assistance and Review program may be used in addition to the Improvement Plan process described below. In a case where the teacher chooses to participate in the Peer Assistance and Review program the principal will carry out the steps of the Improvement Plan process outlined below but the teacher may choose not to attend the post observation conference with the principal mentioned in item 4, below. The choice of the teacher to participate in the Peer Assistance and Review program must be communicated, in writing, to the principal within five (5) school days of the meeting mentioned in item 2, below. Nothing in this section shall prevent principals from observing and evaluating teachers or prevent the District from exercising its authority to discharge a teacher for inefficiency in teaching pursuant to Minn. Stat. 122A.
Assistance Program. Your Utility may have programs available to customers who are on a limited or fixed income to assist them with utility bills. Some of these programs might include bill payment assistance and weatherization services. Information on your Utility's assistance program, if any, can be obtained by contacting your Utility at the number listed on the Disclosure Summary, contacting the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission, or by contacting one of the following programs: Electric Assistance Program; Gas Residential Low Income Assistance Program; Fuel Assistance Program; Weatherization Assistance Program; Neighbor Helping Neighbor; or Project CARE.
Assistance Program. Six (6) counselling sessions per year through Manitoba Blue Cross Assistance Program.
Assistance Program. The District shall utilize teacher input in its efforts to recruit and retain bargaining unit members. The Superintendent or the designee shall call an annual meeting with five (5) bargaining unit members designated by UTR for this purpose.
Assistance Program. The Assistance Program is designed to provide support to educators who need to improve their knowledge and skills. The Assistance Program uses a collaborative approach to assist educators. All non-administrative licensed/certified educators, except those in the New Educator process, are eligible to participate in the Assistance Program. Olathe Assistance Review Panel oversees the Assistance Program. Specific operational guidelines are outlined in the Professional Growth Process document, Assistance Program section. Title District Technology Standards Requirement Number GBZCBA Status Active Legal Adopted June 5, 2008 Last Revised August 20, 2009
Assistance Program. 34 35 The County and Association agree that employees in the bargaining unit represented by 1 the Association may participate in the County's Dependent Care Assistance Program. Washington County/ONA Agreement: 2017-2020 32 1 Article 29.
Assistance Program. Company will provide financial assistance up to one hundred (100) percent of the cost of tuition, laboratory fees, and required text books to employees who while still actively employed and outside their regular working hours satisfactorily complete qualified courses of study related to bargaining unit work in recognized schools or colleges. Applications must be filed and approved prior to starting of course. An employee who is receiving Government financial assistance for education is not eligible for a refund under this program.
Assistance Program. The Port Xxxxxxxx School District and the Port Xxxxxxxx Education Association agree on the following process for the selection of staff to the SPI Teacher Assistance Program (reference WAC 392-196-060).
1. An application form will be distributed to any teacher interested in being a mentor teacher. Included on the application form will be the minimum qualification for mentor teachers as outlined in WAC 000-000-000.
2. Two (2) grade level designations are established, K-5 and 6-12. Beginning/assisted teachers and mentor teachers will be matched in accordance with these levels. If feasible, beginning/assisted and mentor teachers will be matched by program areas.
3. The District will screen all applicants and develop a list of acceptable mentor teachers for each beginning/assisted teacher selected to participate in the program. Each list will include a minimum of two (2) names with three (3) names preferred. The list(s) will be given to the Association President. If there is only one acceptable mentor teacher applicant for a beginning/assisted teacher participant, the Superintendent and Association President will meet and determine if that applicant will be selected.
4. The Association, after consulting with the beginning/assisted teacher will make the final mentor teacher selection from the list submitted by the District. The Association President will inform the District of the selection.
5. Stipends and travel allowance will be paid to the beginning/assisted teachers and mentor teachers in the minimum amounts as outlined in WAC 392-196. After all expenses have been paid, including stipends, substitute costs and travel expense, any money remaining from the SPI grant will be divided equally between the beginning/assisted teachers and the mentor teachers.
Assistance Program. Information regarding heating assistance administrated by the Georgia Department of Human Resources is available from the Division of Family and Children Services at 404.463.3016 or Commerce Energy is able to receive payment directly from assistance programs that have contracted to pay us directly.