Examples of Default Service in a sentence
Late payment charges shall be applied to Default Service Charges, EGS charges that are subject to the Company’s POR and Delivery Service Charges.
The Company shall make available the Equal Payment Plan for Default Service Charges and Delivery Service Charges for Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) financed housing during the time that such housing is either owned by HUD or subject to a first mortgage held or guaranteed by that agency which is (i) master metered and (ii) has electrically heated multi-family dwelling units.
The winning Supplier(s) will be selected to provide Default Service to the applicable customer groups/load blocks during the term covered by this RFP.
All provisions specified in this Rule 10b(4) for Equal Payment Plans for Default Service and Delivery Service Residential Customers shall apply to such housing.
In such a case, the customer will be terminated from Default Service on a date to be determined by National Grid.