Examples of Deferred sentence in a sentence
Deferred sentence" means a sentence that will not be carried out if the defendant meets certain requirements, such as complying with the conditions of probation.
Deferred sentence or deferred prosecution under RCW 10.05 for any of the above listed violations (whether dismissed or not).
Of that amount, R$ 42,642 refer to operations of the Bank itself (Note 9.c) and R$ 103,565 to operations of Funds, the risk of which lies with the Bank, being R$ 102,955 from FNE (Note 26.d) and R$ 610 from FDNE.The Bank’s Management decided not to prepay dividends relating to mandatory minimum dividend for the year, on income calculated in the 1st half of the year, in compliance with the temporary prudential requirements established by CMN, through Resolution No. 4820 of 05.29.2020.
Deferred sentence orders will enable the Court to adjourn proceedings to provide an offender with an opportunity to address their criminal behaviour before sentencing.
Deferred sentence: A decision is taken not to pass sentence on condition that the offender undertakes some action, such as undergoing treatment for alcoholism, drug addiction or receiving psychological counsel.
Clause 116 — Deferred sentence orders — eligibilityOffenders must be both eligible and suitable for a deferred sentence order.
Clause 119 — Deferred sentence orders — review requirements in ordersClause 119 enables the Court to set some times for the offender to appear before the Court so the Court can monitor the offender’s compliance and progress with the order.
Clause 131 — Deferred sentence orders — effect of cancellationIf a deferred sentence order is cancelled, bail is automatically revoked on the day the order is cancelled and the Court must sentence the offender.
Clause 121 — Deferred sentence orders — explanation and official noticeA court must explain a deferred sentence order to an offender, including the conditions and obligations imposed upon the offender and the consequences of failing to meet the conditions and obligations.
Clause 129 — Deferred sentence orders — when changes to obligations take effectClause 129 stipulates when a new order following a review takes effect.