Deferred Share Unit Plan definition
Examples of Deferred Share Unit Plan in a sentence
The Company has a Deferred Share Unit Plan (the “DSU Plan”) whereby the Company grants deferred share units ("DSUs") to eligible directors.
These common shares would be issued from the same 10% rolling pool as the common shares issued under the Company’s Deferred Share Unit Plan and the Company’s Share Option Plan.
DSU are granted to the eligible participants of the Deferred Share Unit Plan, who are non-executive directors of the Company or designated affiliates (an “eligible director”), and the Chairman or Chief Executive Officer (an “eligible officer”) of the Company.
The Corporation has five share-based compensation plans: the Wajax Share Ownership Plan (“SOP”), the Deferred Share Program (“DSP”), the Directors’ Deferred Share Unit Plan (“DDSUP”), the Mid-Term Incentive Plan for Senior Executives (“MTIP”) and the Deferred Share Unit Plan (“DSUP”).
At the Annual General Meeting held on June 19, 2014, shareholders approved the adoption of a Restricted Share Unit Plan (the “RSU Plan”) and a Deferred Share Unit Plan (the “DSU Plan”).