Dependent Care Expenses definition
Examples of Dependent Care Expenses in a sentence
An eligible dependent is someone for whom you can claim expenses on Federal Income Tax Form 2441 "Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses." Children must be under age 13.
With respect to the DCAP Benefits, you may change or terminate your election with respect to a Change in Status event only if (a) such change or termination is made on account of and conforms with a Change in Status that affects eligibility for coverage under the DCAP; or (b) your election change is on account of and conforms with a Change in Status that affects the eligibility of Dependent Care Expenses for the available tax exclusion.
Participants who elect to participate in this program may submit claims for the reimbursement of Employment-Related Dependent Care Expenses.
An eligible dependent is someone for whom you can claim expenses on Federal Income Tax Form 2441 "Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses." Children must be under age13.
Under the DCAP Component, a Participant may receive reimbursement for Dependent Care Expenses incurred during the Period of Coverage for which an election is in force.