Examples of Derivative classification in a sentence
Derivative classification includes the classification of information based on classification guidance.
Derivative classification in- cludes the classification of information based on classification guidance.
Derivative classification authority is granted for a period of 3 years.
Derivative classification includes the classifica- tion of information based on classification guidance.
Derivative classification is: the incorporating, paraphrasing, restating, or generating in new form information that is already classified and the marking of the new material consistent with the classification of the source material, or the marking of the information in accordance with an authorized classification guide.
Derivative classification in cludes the classification of information based on classification guidance.
The GCA provides guid- ance to entities that meets require- ments in 32 CFR 2001.22, 2001.23, 2001.24, and 2001.25, Derivative classification, Classification marking in the elec- tronic environment, Additional re- quirements, and Declassification mark- ings; ISOO’s marking guide, Marking Classified National Security Information; and other applicable national level pol- icy (e.g., Atomic Energy Act for RD) for marking classified information and material.
Derivative classification includes the classification of information based on guidance, which may be either a source document or classification guide.
They must mark the newly developed material consistently with the classification markings that apply to the source information.(2) Derivative classification is the classification of information based on guidance from an OCA, which may be either a properly marked source docu- ment or a current security classifica- tion guide provided by a GCA in ac- cordance with E.O. 13526.
Derivative classification includes classification of information based on guidance provided in a security classification guide.