Derivative Products definition

Derivative Products as used herein shall mean any and all works created by Contractor which are based upon or incorporate all or part of the GSDS information, such as revision, modification, translation, abridgement, condensation expansion, collection, compilation, or any other form in which the GSDS may be recast, transformed or adopted. Except as provided herein, Contractor shall not: (1) use, reproduce, network, transmit, modify, copy, adapt, translate, decompile, disassemble, modify the source doe of, revers engineer, or create Derivative Product(s) based upon GSDS without express written permission and agreement of County; (2) rent, lease, license, loan, transfer, assign, sell, permit or otherwise provide access to the GIS/GSDS data to any third party on a temporary or permanent basis; and/or (3) alter, remove or cover proprietary notices in or on the GIS or GSDS; Any Derivative Product(s) produced by Contractor with the express written consent of County shall clearly indicate the source of the data. If the Contractor added to, subtracted from, or modified the GSDS data in any manner, the Contractor shall specifically describe on the Derivative Product the types of modifications performed. Contractor agrees not to represent any warranties or guarantees by the County as to the accuracy of the GSDS, or misrepresent the GSDS provided by County, nor to imply that any modifications made to the GSDS were reviewed or approved by the County. During the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall keep confidential and shall not use or disclose, directly or indirectly, GSDS acquired pursuant to this Agreement, except as provided herein. This confidentiality provision includes, without limitation, any and all GSDS so acquired, which are acknowledged to be proprietary, confidential, and the property of County; Contractor shall take any and all lawful measures necessary to prevent the unauthorized use and disclosure of County’s GSDS, and to prevent unauthorized persons or entities from obtaining or using such GSDS. Without limiting the foregoing, Contractor shall not distribute, disclose or release these GSDS to any person other than authorized personnel who have agreed in writing to these confidentiality provisions; Contractor and such authorized personnel must ensure that no one copies, sends or takes these GSDS to any other location, unless advance written permission is obtained from an authorized representative of County. Contractor may be held liable for any unauthorized use and di...
Derivative Products means any modification or product of CLONES or PRODUCTS that is not a PROGENY or a STOCK.
Derivative Products as used in the Tiered Licenses means: Any product or information developed by the Ordering Agency from the licensed data or product and is irreversible and uncoupled from the licensed data and product and in which the data or product origin is not recognizable. Derivative Products may contain annotated imagery, alone or in conjunction with other third party or government information, thematic products derived from the licensed imagery, and simple screen captures of the licensed imagery. In ordering Earth Observation Solutions data or products under this GSA Blanket Purchase Agreement, the ordering agency shall select one of the following License Tiers to govern the scope of the agency’s use and dissemination of the Earth Observation Solutions data or products:

Examples of Derivative Products in a sentence

  • The Client acknowledges that Openmarkets may at any time refuse to deal in or may limit dealings in, ASX Derivative Products for the Client.

  • Derivative Products may also be exposed to the economic, political, currency, legal and other risks of a specific sector or market related to the single stock, basket of stocks, index, currency, commodity or futures contract that it is tracking.

  • Part D: Derivatives Client Agreement‌ The Terms in this Part D apply to any services that we provide in relation to dealings in ASX Derivative Products (as defined below) in addition to the other Terms of this agreement.

  • The Terms in this Part D apply to any services that we provide in relation to dealings in ASX Derivative Products (as defined below) in addition to the other Terms of this agreement.

More Definitions of Derivative Products

Derivative Products means products hereinafter developed by IBC having an effective amount of Formulation therein, and being of a different product category than those Licensed Products currently being manufactured.
Derivative Products means forward contracts, options contracts, futures contracts, leverage contracts, swap contracts, hybrid contracts combining the above contracts, or hybrid contracts or structured products containing embedded derivatives, whose value is derived from a specified interest rate, financial instrument price, commodity price, foreign exchange rates, index of prices or rates, indexes, credit rating or credit index, or other variable. The term
Derivative Products means financial instruments whose value is derived from an underlying asset or set of assets.
Derivative Products means information extracted from the original images (Content) by any processing, including automatic processing methods using the Platform Software, and does not contain the original pixels of the images.
Derivative Products means any digital and other products created by or on behalf of the Municipal Licensee, or an Approved Sub-Licensee, through its use or alteration of any of the Products, including those created through the modification of or addition to the Products or through manipulation of the Products; “Displaying Entity” has the meaning set out in the Internet Guidelines;
Derivative Products mean the ***.
Derivative Products means any Photomask product built on a substrate, then currently being produced by Align-Rite for other customers, which is required by Xxxxxx from time to time, which is not currently on the Product and Services Pricing Schedule, or which is either a tightening of specifications or a relaxing of specifications of an existing Product.