Examples of Design Agreement in a sentence
The Designer shall perform its professional design services in accordance with the Standards of Performance described in the Design Agreement.
The management and handling of SSI is addressed in the BIMxP and underlying Design Agreement and Construction Agreement (as appropriate).
In the event there is a conflict (as to the design or construction obligations under the Contract Documents) that does not relate to the BIM obligations described above, the underlying contract (Design Agreement or Construction Agreement) as applicable shall apply.
The Prime Consultant’s Design Model shall function as the Project’s primary “Contract Document” and may be supplemented with other materials specifically identified as “Contract Documents” in the Construction Agreement and the Design Agreement.
In the event there is a conflict (as to the Project’s BIM requirements) by or between this Exhibit, the Design Agreement and/or the Construction Agreement or any lower tier agreements related thereto, the following provisions shall control in order of priority: the BIMxP, this Exhibit, and those provisions of the Owner’s BIM Guidelines that apply to this Project, the Design Agreement or Construction Agreement (as applicable).