Site Design definition
Examples of Site Design in a sentence
Preliminary Subdivision & Land Development Plan #378.14 by Site Design Concept, Inc., along Cape Horn Road, Ruppert Road and Kendale Road.
Site Design: Ability to respond to site characteristics such as soil, topography, vegetation, and watershed in the development of a project design.
For all applicable projects, and to the maximum extent practicable, the Design Professional shall incorporate and include Source Control and Low Impact Development (LID) design features or Site Design BMPs on the construction plans.
Payments must be made promptly based on the terms of this Web Site Design Project.
See Site Design Layout form at “How to Exhibit/Additional Forms” in the online Exhibitors’ Guide.
Chapter 6 of the 2013 Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook (2nd Edition) provides a more thorough discussion of the site planning process and design considerations as related to Environmental Site Design and potential LEED credits.
Better Site Design: A Handbook for Changing Development Rules in Your Community.
This Section shall apply to all new developments requiring Site Design Review.
The standards apply when lots are created, consolidated, or modified through a land division, partition, lot line adjustment, lot consolidation, or street vacation; and when properties are subject to Land Use Review or Site Design Review.
The following developments that are subject to the Site Design Review Standards outlined in 18.72 shall follow the Type I permit procedures.