Design Area definition
Examples of Design Area in a sentence
Urban Village Design Area standards promote scale and design features appropriate to a street orientation.
The location of new Alberta Delivery Points and changing requirements at existing Alberta Delivery Points, particularly in the North of Bens Lake Design Area, may have a significant impact on the flow of gas in the system and, consequently, on system design.
Very Small Projects Checklist (= required) Design Area Review Description Schematic Design Design Development Construction Docs 50% Construction Docs 95% Owner’s Project Requirements Document project functional requirements, expectations of building use and operational considerations for systems to be commissioned.
The Mainline Project Area (Figure 2.3.3) comprises the Mainline Design Area, the Rimbey-Nevis Design Area, the South and Alderson Design Area and the Medicine Hat Design Area.
Purpose: Urban Village Design Area standards promote Promote scale and design features appropriate to a street orientation within the Urban Village Design Area.
The Prime Consultant must be Pre-Registered, or make application for registration with DelDOT and appear on the Department's list of registered consultants in the area of Highway Design, Area #1, OR Traffic Engineering, Area 5 OR, Highway Planning, Area 14 at the time of submission in order to be considered for evaluation on this project.
All other relevant Tariff provisions with respect to transfers of Service remain applicable to FT Transfers to Storage, including any provisions applicable to the crossing of a Project Area or Delivery Design Area.
Design Area ApplicabilityFigure 50.05.007-D: Village Character Map, sets forth the areas in which Urban Village Design and Village Campus Design special building design standards apply.
Sections (1) and (2) are addressed in the referenced sections, complete with a reference to Map D.For example, LOC, “Urban Village Design Areas,” says: “Urban Village Design Area standards promote scale and design features appropriate to a street orientation.The following standards apply for lots or unified sites designated Urban Village on Figure 50.05.007-D: Village Character Map.” Same language for the Village Campus Design standards of 5.j. ev.
Marten Hills Design Area The Marten Hills Design Area extends from the Slave Lake Compressor Station along the Marten Hills Lateral to the Edson Meter Station.