Geographic Area means the three digit zip code in which the service, treatment, procedure, drugs or supplies are provided; or a greater area if necessary to obtain a representative cross-section of charge for a like treatment, service, procedure, device drug or supply.
Restricted Geographic Area is defined as all countries, territories, parishes, municipalities and states in which Company is doing business or is selling its products at the time of termination of Employee’s employment with Company, including but not limited to every parish and municipality in the state of Louisiana. Employee acknowledges that this geographic scope is reasonable given Employee's position with Company, the international scope of Company's business; and the fact that Employee could compete with Company from anywhere Company does business.
Restricted Territories means (i) Cuba, Sudan, Iran, North Korea, Syria and the territory of Crimea/Sevastopol; and (ii) any other country or territory that is subject to sanctions by the United Kingdom, the European Union, the U.S., United Nations or elsewhere.
Established geographic service area means a geographic area, as approved by the Commissioner and based on the carrier's certificate of authority to transact insurance in this state, within which the carrier is authorized to provide coverage;
Restricted Territory means the United States of America.
Geographic Territory shall include any territory formally assigned to Employee as well as all territories in which Employee has provided any services, sold any products or otherwise had responsibility at any time during the eighteen (18) month period preceding Employee’s date of separation;
Market Area means: (1) New York County, New York, and (3) any geographic area in which the Company is conducting any material amount publishing or development of technology during the Term, and for which he has material responsibilities or about which he has material Confidential Information; and
Geographic Service Area or “Service Area” means an area as defined in Section 1345(k) of the Health and Safety Code.
Geographic Region means large areas where similar combinations of climate, geomorphology, and potential natural vegetation occur, established for the purposes of implementing the water protection rules.
designated area means any area which may from time to time be designated by Order in Council under the Continental Shelf Act 1964 as an area within which the rights of the United Kingdom with respect to the seabed and subsoil and their natural resources may be exercised;
Geographical Area means North America, Europe or Asia Pacific, as the case may be.
Restricted Area means an area, access to which is limited by the licensee or registrant for the purpose of protecting individuals against undue risks from exposure to sources of radiation. Restricted area does not include areas used as residential quarters, but separate rooms in a residential building may be set apart as a restricted area.
Restricted Areas means (i) all areas within the Facility that are not generally accessible to the public, including judges’ xxxxxxxx, all non-public restrooms, elevators, break rooms, and corridors, and other non-public spaces that are dedicated for use only by judges or Court staff and employees, (ii) public areas of a Facility during non-business hours that are subject to security screening during normal business hours, and (iii) the areas defined as Restricted Areas in the Background Check Policy.
Protected Territory means the United States of America.
the Territory means the sub-Saharan Continent, south of the 15N latitude.
Competitive Activities means any business activities in which the Company or any other member of the Company Group engage (or have committed plans to engage) during the Term of Employment, or, following termination of Employee’s employment hereunder, was engaged in business (or had committed plans to engage) at the time of such termination of employment.
Exclusive Territory means (1) the states of Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana; and
Competitive Business means any firm, partnership, joint venture, corporation and/or any other Person, and/or any licensee of such entity, that develops, manufactures, markets, distributes, provides, offers, or sells any services or products substantially similar to First Party’s services or products.
Business Area means an adjacent area that is zoned by a state, county, township, or municipal zoning authority for industrial or commercial purposes, customarily referred to as "b" or business, "c" or commercial, "i" or industrial, "m" or manufacturing, and "s" or service, and all other similar classifications and that is within a city, village, or charter township or is within 1 mile of the corporate limits of a city, village, or charter township or is beyond 1 mile of the corporate limits of a city, village, or charter township and contains 1 or more permanent structures devoted to the industrial or commercial purposes described in this subdivision and that extends along the highway a distance of 800 feet beyond each edge of the activity. Each side of the highway is considered separately in applying this definition except that where it is not topographically feasible for a sign or sign structure to be erected or maintained on the same side of the highway as the permanent structure devoted to industrial or commercial purposes, a business area may be established on the opposite side of a primary highway in an area zoned commercial or industrial or in an unzoned area with the approval of the state highway commission. A permanent structure devoted to industrial or commercial purposes does not result in the establishment of a business area on both sides of the highway. All measurements shall be from the outer edge of the regularly used building, parking lot, or storage or processing area of the commercial or industrial activity and not from the property lines of the activities and shall be along or parallel to the edge or pavement of the highway. Commercial or industrial purposes are those activities generally restricted to commercial or industrial zones in jurisdictions that have zoning. In addition, the following activities are not commercial or industrial:
Covered area means the geographical area described in the solicitation from which this contract resulted;
Public area means any portion of a state or municipal building that is open to and accessible by the public or which is otherwise designated as a public area by the governing body or the chief administrative officer, if no governing body exists, of such building.
sensitive area means any of the following—
Play area means an area of frequent soil contact by children of less than six years of age as indicated by, but not limited to, factors including the following: the presence of play equipment (sandboxes, swing sets, and sliding boards), toys, or other children’s possessions, observations of play patterns, or information provided by parents, residents, caregivers, or property owners.
Competing Business means any business, individual, partnership, firm, corporation or other entity which wholly or in any significant part engages in any business competing with the Business in the Restricted Area. In no event will the Company or any of its affiliates be deemed a Competing Business.
Targeted Area means a "targeted area" within the meaning of Section 143 of the Code. "Targeted Area Residence" means a "targeted area residence" within the meaning of Section 143of the Code.