Detached dwelling unit definition

Detached dwelling unit means developed land containing one structure which is not attached to another dwelling and which contains one or more bedrooms, with a bathroom and kitchen facilities designed for occupancy by one family. Detached dwelling units may include houses, manufactured homes and mobile homes located on one or more individual lots or parcels of land. Developed land may be classified as a detached dwelling unit despite the presence of incidental structures associated with residential uses such as garages, carports, or small storage buildings, or the presence of a commercial impervious area such as parking spaces, playgrounds, or structures or additions to the building which are used as offices, storage facilities, meeting rooms, classrooms, houses of worship, or similar non-residential uses. Detached dwelling unit shall not include developed land containing: structures used primarily for non-residential purposes, manufactured homes and mobile homes located within manufactured home or mobile home parks where the land is used by others than the owners of the manufactured homes or mobile homes, or multiple-unit residential properties.
Detached dwelling unit means developed land containing one structure which is not attached to another dwelling and which contains one or more bedrooms, with a bathroom and kitchen facilities, designed for occupancy by one family. Detached dwelling units may include houses, manufactured homes, and mobile homes located on one or more individual lots or parcels of land.
Detached dwelling unit means a dwelling unit in a building containing one dwelling unit;

Examples of Detached dwelling unit in a sentence

  • Detached dwelling unit means a one-family dwelling unit that is not attached to any other dwelling by any physical means.

  • Detached dwelling unit – 1.2 metres - Semi-Detached dwelling unit – 0.0 metres on the attached side of the dwelling and 3.0 metres on the unattached side of the dwelling, except where a semi-detached dwelling is attached at the footing and/or foundation, the horizontal distance between the walls on the attached side of the two (2) dwelling units above finished grade shall be a minimum of 1.2 metres and a maximum of 1.5 metres.

  • Detached dwelling unit shall mean developed land containing one structure which is not attached to another dwelling and which contains one or more bedrooms, with a bathroom and kitchen facilities designed for occupancy by one family.

  • Plaintiffs attached this contract not only in support of their breach of contract causes of action, but also to illustrate one example of defendant making the allegedly false representation that defendant maintained workers’ compensation insurance.

  • Detached dwelling unit that may be constructed individually or as a cluster of dwelling units organized around a shared court.

  • Detached dwelling unit that may be constructed individually or as a clus- ter of dwelling units organized around a shared court.

  • Cluster Housing: Detached dwelling unit development of more than one unit arranged on a single lot.

  • For required standards, see Sections 430­8.1 and 8.3. 342­2.8 Detached dwelling unit (one) which meets the Type I forest structure siting and fire safety standards in Section 428­3.

  • A Single-Family Detached dwelling unit is designed for and occupied by not more than one family and having no roof, wall, or floor in common with any other dwelling unit.

  • Description of General Impacts Levels Attribute of EffectDescription Relative to Wildlife MagnitudeNegligibleNot a perceptible change.MinorA change perceptible to individuals of a particular species.ModerateA change that is large enough to affect many individuals of a species and may potentially affect a population.MajorA change that would affect a population/s.

More Definitions of Detached dwelling unit

Detached dwelling unit means developed land containing one structure which is not attached to another dwelling and which contains one or more rooms with a bathroom and kitchen facilities designed for occupancy by one family. Detached dwelling units may include houses, manufactured homes, and mobile homes located on one or more individual lots or parcels of land. Developed land may be classified as a detached dwelling unit despite the presence of incidental structures associated with residential uses such as garages, carports, or small storage buildings. Detached dwelling unit can also include developed land that has a non-residential use of a dwelling unit
Detached dwelling unit means developed land containing one

Related to Detached dwelling unit

  • Dwelling unit means a single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.

  • Residential Dwelling Unit means any portion of a building that contains living facilities, including a room or rooms in a facility that have shared cooking, bathing, toilet, or laundry facilities such as dormitories, shelters, assisted living facilities, and boarding homes. "Residential dwelling unit" also means facilities that include provisions for sleeping, cooking, bathing, and toilet facilities for one or more persons and are used for extended stays, such as time-shares and extended-stay motels. "Residential dwelling unit" does not mean a guest room in a motel or hotel.

  • Accessory dwelling unit means an attached or a detached residential dwelling unit that provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons and is located on a lot with a proposed or existing primary residence. It shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel as the single-family or multifamily dwelling is or will be situated. An accessory dwelling unit also includes the following:

  • Dwelling means any building, structure, or portion thereof which is occupied as, or designed or intended for occupancy as, a residence by one or more families, and any vacant land which is offered for sale or lease for the construction or location thereon of any such building, structure, or portion thereof.

  • Multi-family dwelling means a structure that contains more than one separate dwelling unit, which is used, or occupied, or intended to be used or occupied, in whole, or in part as the home or residence of one or more persons.

  • Residential Unit means a home, apartment, residential condominium unit or mobile home, serving as the principal place of residence.