Detailed Project Report definition
Detailed Project Report or ‘‘DPR’’ means the detailed project report relating to Station Development Project and Redevelopment Project attached hereto;
Detailed Project Report shall have the same meaning as ascribed to it under Development Agreement;
Detailed Project Report. / ‘‘DPR’’ means the detailed project report submitted to the Authority by the Selected Project Proponent for Station Development Project and Redevelopment Project, provided at Volume II;
Examples of Detailed Project Report in a sentence
The consultant will indemnify for any direct loss or damage that accrue due to deficiency in services in carrying out Detailed Project Report.
The consultant will indemnify for any direct loss or damage that accrue due todeficiency in services in carrying out Detailed Project Report.
The different components shall be designed as per revised “Manual for preparation of Detailed Project Report for Rural Piped Water Supply Schemes’’ published by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Govt.
The Detailed Project Report (DPR) must ensure equal facility coverage as well as equal water supply pressure for all people of the village.
Preliminary structural design & drawing for preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR)/Detailed Estimate (DE).
More Definitions of Detailed Project Report
Detailed Project Report or “DPR” shall mean the project report prepared by the Seller and approved by the Nodal Agency;
Detailed Project Report or “DPR” means the detailed design and engineering report for the Project, as indicated in the Article-6;
Detailed Project Report or “DPR” means the detailed design and engineering report for the Project, as indicated in the Article- 6.
Detailed Project Report or "DPR" means the detailed design and engineering report for the Project which shall be prepared by the Licensee based on specification (as per Schedule C), as indicated in the Clause 14.3;
Detailed Project Report means the conceptual and detailed designs, plans, backup technical information required for the Project and all calculations, samples, patterns, models, specifications and other technical information relating thereto based on which the Developer is required to construct the Project Facilities.
Detailed Project Report means the Detailed Project Report submitted by the selected Bidder/Consortium at the time of bidding and any revisions thereof and forming part hereof as Schedule B
Detailed Project Report means a report for a project not specifically authorized by Congress in law or otherwise that determines the feasi- bility of the project with a level of detail appro- priate to the scope and complexity of the rec- ommended solution and sufficient to proceed di- rectly to the preparation of contract plans and specifications. The term includes any associated environmental impact statement and mitigation plan. For a project for which the Federal cost does not exceed $1,000,000, the term includes a planning and design analysis document.