Examples of Developer Contributions in a sentence
Developer Contributions: The District may enter into a funding agreement and receive certain prescribed dollars from the Developer to off-set expenditures of the District.
Housing developments which impact upon the capacities of existing community facilities such as children's play areas, recreational space, or other community services provided by the authority may be subject to Policies L/F1 (Developer Contributions) or L/F2 (Commuted Payments) in order to redress any negative impacts by upgrading existing facilities or through the provision of additional facilities.
Payment of Section 94A Developer Contributions will only be accepted by way of Cash, Credit Card or Bank Cheque issued by an Australian bank.
Copies of the Cost Summary Report - Template 1 and the Quantity Surveyors Estimate Report - Template 2 are located under "Developer Contributions" on Council's web site (www.campbelltown.nsw.gov.au) or can be collected from Council's Planning and Environment Division during normal business hours.
Cannock Chase Local Development Framework Parking Standards, Travel Plans and Developer Contributions for Sustainable Transport.
Contributions are levied in accordance with the Byron Shire Developer Contributions Plan 2012 (as amended).
Headworks contributions for Water Supply and Sewerage Services must be paid in accordance with Council’s Policy on Developer Contributions for Water Supply and Sewerage Services.
Policy L/F1: Developer Contributions Where a development proposal is considered to have a measurable and potentially negative impact on the infrastructure, community facilities or amenities related to that development, the Council will seek an agreement with the developer that he redress the elements of impact by funding the provision of, or contributing towards, such mitigating works as are reasonably necessary to enable the development to proceed.
Policy 19: Developer Contributions – set out the criteria for requiring planning obligations.
Developer contributions will be sought for a range of requirements as set out in the Developer Contributions SPD.