Infrastructure Works definition

Infrastructure Works means track inspections, spot track surfacing, geometry corrections, weld/rail fault corrections including associated aluminothermic welding; de-stressing; ad-hoc tie/transom replacement; drain clearing; vegetation clearing; fire break creation and/or restoration; platform adjustments; signage replacement; access road re-instatement; mechanical signal maintenance and construction, bituminous surface repairs; fencing repairs; cleaning; defect rectification; lubrication and servicing; points and crossings component replacement and adjustment, off-track and on-track machine operations and all other associated and like works. Works considered under this classification also include design, investigation, feasibility and commissioning activities associated infrastructure upgrade and renewal programs.
Infrastructure Works means the activities associated, directly or indirectly, with the performance of the scope outlined in the Cost Apportionment Schedule.
Infrastructure Works means establishment of a TEBA area, extension of a TEBA area, air-conditioning works, power works, MDF extensions or enhancements, removal of redundant MDF blocks, new/augmented cable trays in MDF or DDF, any cable trays external or internal to the TEBA space, DDF construction or extension, optical fibre works, earthing works, and any building or equipment modifications or additions.

Examples of Infrastructure Works in a sentence

  • All infrastructure works must be completed and be certified by the accredited certifier as meeting all Council requirements and as-built drawings are to be submitted to Council’s Development Engineer, prior to the release of the Infrastructure Works Bond.

  • The Proposed Scheme, forming part of the Core Bus Corridors Infrastructure Works within the overall BusConnects Programme is identified as a component of a Strategic Investment Priority, with an associated investment commitment, which has been determined as central to the delivery of the National Planning Framework vision.

  • The CBC Infrastructure Works is one of the initiatives within the NTA’s overall BusConnects Programme.

  • The CBC Infrastructure Works will provide connectivity and integration with other public transport services leading to more people availing of public transport.

  • The CBC Infrastructure Works is one of the initiatives within the NTA’s overall BusConnects programme.

More Definitions of Infrastructure Works

Infrastructure Works means those works completed by the Vendor and set out in Special Condition 13.
Infrastructure Works all those parts of the Development Works required to be carried out to comply with any Statutory Consents or Planning Agreement or to facilitate the developed use of a Plot or Plots following completion of the relevant Development Works including (so far as applicable) the construction installation upgrading and connection of:
Infrastructure Works means works required to service a Scheme of Development (including works on adjoining or adjacent land) including (but without limitation) the provision of roads rail links car parks bus stations footpaths cycleways gas electricity water drainage sewerage effluent treatment and disposal landscaping telecommunications and other civil works supplies or services to enable or facilitate development or to improve the potential for development but not including the development of complete buildings for occupation and use and “Infrastructure Works” shall be construed accordingly
Infrastructure Works means any and all works, constructions, facilities, developments or proceedings needed for the legal severability of the Property on the basis of Project development.
Infrastructure Works means the construction, improvement, upgrade, maintenance or repair to any land (or structures located thereon) in the Shire, either owned or under the control of the Shire of Mount Magnet. Infrastructure works can include but not be limited to: Construction of buildings, roads, footpaths and other public infrastructure as well as the related services such as architecture, surveying, contract management and maintenance type works.
Infrastructure Works means the works required to be undertaken by the Customer pursuant to the Infrastructure Module.
Infrastructure Works means the Works other than the Aftercare Works.