Examples of Disagreements in a sentence
Disputes Over Authorship and Plagiarism - Disagreements over authorship, e.g. who has a right to be an author or the order of authorship, and plagiarism should be resolved by the senior scientist in collegial consultation with the other authors.
Medical Necessity - Disagreements between Health Plan and Provider or Practitioner pertaining to disputed claims or the issue of medical necessity will be resolved according to the appeal procedures set forth in the Provider Manual for such disputes.
According to this, from the formula (Agreement) / (Agreement + Disagreements), 17)/(17+3) = 0.85.
Changes in & Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure.......
List of Attendees Hokkaido GovernmentMr. Jiro KIUCHI Russian Affairs OfficeMr. Tomoyuki NAITOMr. Kuniaki OCHI Mr. Joji SAITOFishery & Forestry Plannning and Coordination Dept.Mr. Hideaki SHINAGAWA Environmental Policy Dept.Mr. Shoichi ITOMr. Satoshi FUKUMURANatural Environment Dept.